The truth of Della's words only brought a deep frown to Holiday lips. "He could have called before he left. He's just being ... difficult. I swear, I can't wait until they hire someone else. I simply cannot work with that man."

Della grinned. "You can't work with him, you say you don't like him, but look how worried you are about him."

"I'm not worried ... I mean, I am worried, but not ... It's not like..."

"Like you really care about him," Della finished off Holiday's sentence, and then continued. "Like you have the hots for him? Or do you have the hots for him? You know one might assume-"

"You got the hots for me?" Burnett's deep voice rang out as he moved to stand behind Holiday.

Holiday's face blushed-from anger or embarrassment, Kylie wasn't sure. Then Holiday swung around and confronted the tall, dark vampire.

Burnett's eyes briefly met Kylie's and he nodded.

Kylie recalled what she'd been doing the last time Burnett's presence had startled her, and was sure her face reddened right along with Holiday's. "So you're alive," Holiday snapped. While her voice expressed anger, her expression told another story-genuine, heartfelt relief. Seeing the emotion, Kylie forgot about her own embarrassment. No doubt about it.

Holiday cared a lot about Burnett. Probably more than she wanted to admit.

"You never answered," he said. "You got the hots for me, or not?" His dark eyes lit up with a smile.

Squaring her shoulders, Holiday started talking. "Della assumed I might have the hots for you. And you know what they say about assuming, right?"

"It makes an ass out of you and me," Della answered, and gave Kylie the elbow. "Get it. A. S. S. U. M. E."

Holiday cut her eyes to Della in visual reprimand, then started walking away. She got three steps and swung back around. "Are you coming?" she snapped at Burnett.

"You didn't ask me to," he answered.

"Well, I assumed you would know I needed to discuss what happened."

He arched one dark brow upward. "And what did you just say about assuming?"

Della grinned and appeared totally entertained by Holiday and Burnett, but Kylie's thoughts went in another direction. She cleared her throat. "Didn't you guys agree to be forthcoming with all of us from now on? So why do you have to leave? Why can't we all hear this?" Holiday frowned.

"She's right." Burnett held out both his hands. "You did say that at the meeting. I believe it was the same one at which you called me a jerk," he added.

Holiday's eyes brightened with frustration. Obviously the man didn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

"Fine," Holiday said between her closed teeth. The two of them stared at each other, and neither of them blinked. When the silence became long, Holiday let go of a deep breath. "Why don't you address everyone then?" She waved at the front of the room. "The floor is all yours."

"I think I could do that," Burnett answered, but his expression said he didn't really like addressing the group. Kylie also got the feeling that Holiday knew it.

Holiday shot off, and Burnett watched her go. "I don't know which is worse, talking to everyone or talking to her alone." He looked up at Kylie and flinched as if he hadn't meant to say that aloud. Then before he moved to the front, he looked at Della. Kylie could swear she saw him mouth the words "Thank you."

When he left, Kylie studied Della. "How long did you know Burnett was in the room?"

"Pretty much from the time Holiday walked over here." Della grinned.

"Hey, we vampires have got to stick together." She nudged Kylie with her elbow as if saying Kylie was one of them. Kylie wasn't so sure she was. Then again, she wasn't sure she wasn't, either.

The door to the dining room swished open. Kylie looked that way.

Derek walked into the dining room, and his gaze went straight to her.

The sweet smile he sent her reminded her of the kisses they'd shared earlier.

A warmth brought on by the memory filled her abdomen at the same time an unnatural coldness brushed her skin.

Goose bumps popped up on her arms when she heard the words again. "You have to stop it. You have to. Or this will happen to someone you love. Soon. Soon. It will happen soon."

"Who? How soon?" Kylie muttered under her breath. The spirit materialized only a foot from Kylie's face. She still wore the blood-soaked gown, only this time the blood dripped from the hem of her gown and pooled around her feet. Kylie's breath caught, and while it was the last thing Kylie wanted to think, her mind took her there. To the sweet, addictive flavor of blood.

"Soon what?" Della asked. Kylie looked from the ever-growing puddle of blood to Della's slightly slanted eyes that hinted at her Asian heritage.

Then she watched those eyes widen with fear. Della shivered and took a step back. "You've got company again, don't you?"

Della ran off. At the same time several other campers standing close by started backing away as if they had figured out what was happening as well. Feeling ostracized, Kylie's throat tightened and her sinuses stung. She fought to keep the tears from filling her eyes. When she looked back to the spirit, it had faded and the air had lost its chill.

Kylie's lungs swelled with frustration. Frustration, no doubt, brought on by all her unanswered questions. Her whole freaking life was one big unanswered question.

"Excuse me." Burnett's deep authoritative voice filled the room. "Can everyone give me your attention? I know you're all curious as to what happened tonight. And since Kylie reminded Holiday and me that we said we'd be more forthcoming with situations, I figure I'd best explain."

Chapter Four

Hearing Burnett speak lessened the emotional lump in Kylie's throat. Everyone looked toward the front.

"We had an uninvited visitor to the camp this evening," Burnett explained.

"A vampire."

"Was it from that gang? The ones who attacked you guys at the wildlife park?" Helen asked, and glanced over at Kylie.

Kylie moved a little closer to the front, not wanting to miss Burnett's answer.

"I don't know for sure." He looked around the room as if searching for someone. A second later, his gaze settled on Holiday and his expression softened.

"But," Burnett continued, "I don't think they were here to hunt. If he or she were here to kill, he had a chance at easy prey and didn't take it."

His gaze shifted to Kylie, making it clear, at least to Kylie, that she was the "easy prey."

Easy prey. Prey maybe, but easy? That annoyed Kylie more than she wanted to admit. Okay, sure, she wasn't exactly Superwoman, but she'd held her own fighting the Blood Brothers that night at the wildlife park.