"If it is just your charm, and not your gift, how do you make everything so much like a fantasy world?"

He shook his head, and his brown hair brushed against his brow. "I told you, I'm not doing that."

She cocked her head to the side and sent him an accusing look.

"If I am doing it, I'm not doing it on purpose. I swear. Being with you makes me happy and maybe being happy ups my charm." His smile was contagious and any emotions taking up residence in her chest similar to anger or distrust vanished.

She thumped his shoulder with her palm. "You think you're that charming, huh?"

His smile widened. "I think you like my kisses." His gaze lowered to her mouth where she could still taste the moisture of his kiss.

"Really?" she teased. "You're that sure of yourself?"

"I'm sure that you're not feeling upset anymore. And that's what matters, isn't it?" He passed a finger over her lips. "Because I really hate seeing you upset."

Her heart squeezed and she wondered if that was a confession that he was indeed manipulating her emotions. Then again, was it wrong to want to make someone happy, to chase away their fears? Oh heck, what was she waiting for? What kept her from saying yes to everything Derek wanted? Yes to agreeing to go out with him. Yes to ... to more kisses and to wherever those kisses led. She leaned in closer, wanting to taste his kiss again.

"See," he said playfully, and arched his eyebrows. "Admit it." He moved in. His mouth came so close to hers that she could practically feel it moving when he spoke.

"Admit what?" She put a little tease in her own voice, hoping she drove him as crazy as he drove her.

"Admit that you like my kisses. And then say yes to going out with me."

She cut her eyes up at him and grinned. "I'll admit I like your kisses, but do you like mine?"

"More than anything." He closed the tiniest bit of distance between them. "Go out with me." He kissed her again. Softly at first and then deeper. She felt his tongue slip inside her mouth. She felt herself gently being lowered back to the ground. Felt his hand slip up under her shirt and touch her bare skin at her waist. He'd touched her like that before but she got the feeling he wouldn't take that touch higher; he wouldn't push the intimacy any further until he had her approval.

And just knowing that made her want to approve. Knowing it was her choice and he would respect whatever she chose meant so much. But was it enough to take that leap?

She reached for his hand, seriously considering moving it higher, giving him permission to ...

"You two need to go back to the camp." The deep voice penetrated Kylie's sensual haze.

Both Kylie and Derek jerked apart. Burnett, the temporary camp leader and a member of the Fallen Research Unit, a supernatural unit of the FBI, stood over them. Kylie's face grew hot with embarrassment at her and Derek being caught making out in the grass.

Derek didn't seem to be bothered. He shot to his feet and looked around. "What is it?"

Kylie stood up. Only then did Kylie recall Burnett's dark tone and notice that his eyes glowed red. A sign that he was on the defensive. Obviously danger lurked close by.

"What's happened?" Derek asked.

"Someone else was here earlier," Burnett said.

"Who?" Kylie managed to ask.

"I don't know. But they're vampire and not one of us. Now get back to the camp."

"Maybe I should come with you?" Derek offered.

"And leave her alone?" Burnett asked firmly, his frown deepening. Derek cut his gaze back to Kylie and then back to Burnett. "You're right. I'll make sure she gets back safe. Do you want me to come back?"

"No," Burnett insisted. "I'll be fine. Just keep an eye on the camp. Let everyone know to be on the lookout. Stay together."

And leave her alone? Burnett's question kept playing in Kylie's head and with each repetition, she felt more annoyed. She wanted to insist she could take care of herself. God knew Della would be having conniption fits at being treated like she needed to be protected. Then Kylie recalled how frightened she'd felt before she'd started to run, before she'd found Derek. Obviously, Kylie wasn't Della.

Did that mean she wasn't vampire? Or did it mean she was just a vampire lacking anything that resembled courage? Did yellow-bellied vampires even exist?

Burnett continued, "Don't let Holiday leave either. Tie her down if you have to. Got it?"

"Got it." Derek reached for Kylie's elbow and started walking.

Kylie didn't budge. "I felt it earlier," she blurted out. "It moved past me several times. Almost as if teasing or testing me." She recalled how it kept flying past, making its presence known without letting her see it. "That's odd. Vampires don't normally tease. Or test," Burnett said. "They see prey and attack to kill. Now go back to the camp."

Chills ran up and down her legs. Derek sensed her fear because he reached for her hand and offered her palm a warm emotion-quieting squeeze. Her fear lessened.

"Come on. Let's get back." Derek took her by the elbow. The sound of his voice helped her brain connect to her limbs, and she started moving.

They walked at a fast pace and without talking. The sounds of an occasional owl and crickets sang out into the darkness. Not that she minded their music. Music was good. Music meant intruders weren't near. "Why didn't you tell me a vampire came at you?" Derek asked, frustration adding a new layer of intensity to his voice.

"I ... at first I thought it was Della and then..." Then she had thought it was Chan, but she couldn't tell Derek about Chan. She'd promised Della.

"Then I heard you calling. And I started running and I wasn't so afraid anymore." She looked at the frown etched on his face. "I told you about the wolf."

"I think the vampire was a bigger deal."

"Yeah and I would have ... told you, but you started kissing me."

"So that makes it my fault?" His tone came out harsher than before. "Sort of," she said, not liking it that he was annoyed with her when only a few minutes ago they'd been kissing. She started walking faster. They continued moving in tense silence for another five minutes. With each step, she realized how silly their argument was. "I probably should have told you right away. I wasn't thinking." She stared away from him, afraid he wouldn't accept her offer for a truce.

She heard him inhale. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been grumpy." He reached for her hand again. His palm felt good against hers. "It just scares me thinking that ... that you could have been hurt." He sounded older. His voice deepened and his need to protect gave his tone a new quality. In spite of still feeling a bit annoyed at his thinking that she couldn't protect herself, she liked the new quality. It made her feel safer.