"And we have the haunted B&B dinner and tour," her mom added, sounding so thrilled.

"Yeah. That, too." Kylie tried not to let her dread leak out in her tone. They talked a few minutes about her mom's schedule and about her mom's cousin who wanted to come down for a visit. Kylie almost brought up Daniel again, but couldn't figure out how to turn the conversation that way.

As they talked, Kylie pulled the blanket up closer. The cold from the spirit lingered and even grew colder, but she still didn't materialize. "Oh, guess who I saw at the grocery store?" her mom asked.

"Who?" God, it was getting even colder.


Kylie's heartstrings gave her emotions another tug. "How's she doing?"

"Actually, she didn't look good at all."

"What did she do, dye her hair or get a nose ring?" Kylie asked, knowing how Mom felt about such things. She might have suddenly found common ground with her mom, but that didn't make the woman perfect or change the fact that she was judgmental.

"Not that," her mom said. "Sara's not that kind of girl."

Her mom would be surprised at some of the things Sara had done with drinking and boys-not that it made Sara a bad person. She was just ... going through something.

"She just didn't look ... good," her mom continued. "She's thinner than she should be. I hate it that you girls feel as if you have to be size zero to look good. I hope you aren't losing weight."

"Nope, if anything, I think I'm growing." Frowning, Kylie looked down at her boobs, a tad worried what her mom would say when she saw her.

"Which reminds me, have you gone shopping yet?" her mom asked.

"Your camp leader called and confirmed it was okay if you drove to town.

I told her I'd already given you permission."

"Actually, we're going today." Kylie shivered again from the ghostly cold.

"Well, have fun. And keep it reasonable." The maternal tone filled her voice.

"I will," Kylie promised. "Under a hundred dollars. I remember what you said."

"Okay, go up to a hundred and fifty. But no higher."

"Mom, I didn't ask-"

"I know." Her mom chuckled. "But I'm offering." She grew quiet a second. "Ahh, my baby is growing up." Her mom let go of a deep, heartfelt sigh. "Oh, I forgot to mention it, I told Sara you were coming down. She said you'd texted her and told her and that she owed you a text. And she'd probably be in touch in the next few days."

Sara owed her about four text messages, not including the phone calls and e-mails, Kylie thought.

She and her mom chatted a few more minutes. Mostly about her selling the house-another subject Kylie had to bite her tongue on. "I'll still do my best to come see you on Saturday. Maybe I can get a flight out first thing in the morning. If I get in by ten, I might be able to make it. Even if I'm a little late."

"Mom, it's okay. Don't worry. And they're pretty strict about visiting hours here." As in if you come in without a pass, you might be taken down by a vampire. "So really, don't worry, okay?"

"I just miss you," her mom whimpered.

"I miss you, too."

When Kylie hung up, the spirit's chill still lingered in the air. Kylie got the crazy sensation she'd been listening in on the conversation. But why?

"Do you have something to say?" Kylie asked. "Something to show me?" she muttered with less enthusiasm. Kylie really didn't like the freaky visions or dreams, but if that was what it took to solve this and protect someone she loved, she'd do that and more.

No answer filled the cold air and a few seconds later, the chill faded. She looked at her clock on the bedside table and moaned. She was late, which meant Della and Miranda were probably already pissed.

She grabbed her brush, phone, and purse and headed out. Right before she shut the door, she looked back at Lucas's letter on her bed.

"No time now," she muttered, and shut the door and left, but as she took off in a run down the trail she could almost hear Holiday:

"Avoidance isn't a very good coping method."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Kylie thought. One thing at a time.

"Hey," Miranda called from the dressing room three hours later. "You two still out there?"

Kylie and Della, both checking out some tops on a nearby rack, walked back to the dressing room area. "Yeah, we're here," Kylie answered. They were two hours into their shopping spree, and were having a great day so far. The only negative blemish had been seeing the sidewalk where she'd watched her dad and his slutty intern getting it on. Miranda stepped out of the dressing room modeling a pair of jeans. "Okay, tell the truth. Do these make my butt look good?"

"Turn around," Kylie said.

"Did you say good or big?" Della asked, and grinned.

Kylie would admit the few downtown Fallen stores didn't offer the same experience that shopping at her mall back home did, but it hadn't stopped them from having a blast. Kylie would even admit the town had a certain quaint charm about it. Obviously, she had really needed some time away from the camp.

"Is that a slam because I don't have much of an ass?" Miranda looked over her shoulder as if to see her butt.

"They look great," Kylie interjected.

"Hey," Della said. "Considering I'm lacking in one department," she glanced down at her chest, "I don't pick on body parts. Unless they're really bloody and then-"

"Shh," Kylie said, realizing a couple of other teens were lurking nearby.

Della, not appreciating being hushed, frowned. The frown added to the overall intimidating don't-screw-with-me air she carried on her shoulders all day. Not that the air was intended for her and Miranda. Nope. Rumor had it that the homegrown teens, as well as some of the campers in the area, had it out for all the Shadow Falls teens. Kylie hadn't experienced it the few times she'd come into town, but Holiday had mentioned it at their last camp meeting, so Kylie knew the stories had merit. "Shh, why?" Della asked.

Kylie cut her eyes to the two girls. Della's frown deepened to a fullblown scowl.

Kylie wondered if Della hadn't picked her all-black outfit on purpose, as if dressing like trouble would keep trouble away. In truth, Kylie wasn't sure the outfit didn't do more harm than good, but arguing with Della was useless, so Kylie hadn't said a thing.

One of the girls started moving closer, and Kylie sent up a quick prayer that this wasn't going to spoil their day.

"Hi, my name's Amber Logan," the cute redhead said, looking at Kylie. "Are you new in town or here with one of the ... camps?" The way she said camps led Kylie to believe this wasn't going to end well.