Page 24 of The Greatest Gift

Because when I’m not buried in measurements and material lists, my phone buzzes almost constantly with messages from Judd.

We’re talking all the time now and it’s more than just casual. Texting, calling, video chats long into the night. There’s a warmth in our conversations, a playfulness that feels like I’m stepping into my first relationship all over again. He’s sweet in ways I didn’t expect, his words laced with kindness and humor. But he’s also strong, steadfast—a pillar that I find myself leaning into more and more.

And the way he blushes when I tease him? It's dangerous. I’m falling harder than I intended. It doesn’t help when the conversations take a heated turn, one where I’m egging him on to pleasure himself so I can see him fall apart. I can’t get enough of him.

Athena and Jess don’t make things any easier. They’re relentless in their prodding, always managing to corner me at the office. Like today when I step into the lounge, gulping down a cup of water.

“So,” Jess, leaning against the doorframe. “Are you going to tell us what’s going on or do we have to guess?”

I sigh, chucking the paper cup into the recycling before turning to her. “There’s nothing to tell.” I know my expression betrays me but I don’t fix my words.

Athena snorts, walking in behind her. “Come on, Nakul. Judd won’t say anything, but we can see it. Both of you are practically glowing. The few times Judd is in here, you guys can’t stop looking at each other. The little smiles and blushing, god. It feels like a Hallmark movie.”

I roll my eyes but can’t help the grin tugging at my lips. “Yes, we’re dating. This isn’t rocket science,” I joke.

“Uh-huh,” Jess laughs, crossing her arms. “Sounds serious to me.”

“It is. It’s just moving faster than I thought it would,” I admit, rubbing the back of my neck. It’s nearly as easy to talk to Judd’s sisters sometimes as it is to him. “But I’m worried…”

Athena raises an eyebrow, taking a seat across from me. “About what?”

“I don’t know how I fit into Judd’s life,” I say honestly. “We’ve talked about us, but not much else. And Stevie…” I trail off, feeling the weight of the words. “She’s such a big part of his world. I don’t want to overstep but I also don’t know where I fit in.”

Athena leans forward, her expression softening. “It’s good that you’re thinking about that. But, Nakul, you have to talk to Judd about this. He’s not the kind of person to leave things up to chance—especially when it comes to Stevie. He wouldn’t have started this if he didn’t feel you weren’t going to fit into his life.”

I quickly agree, both of them leaving me to my thoughts. Needing a breather, I round up my guys, telling them to break for lunch. They’re more than excited to peruse Riocen’s cafeteria which is comped in the price of our services. I’m tempted to grab one of the pasta dishes when Judd steps into the hallway, obviously here for me.

His lower lip is tucked between his teeth as he waits for me to approach him, Judd sticking his hand out for me to take. “Where are we going?” I ask, a chuckle following my question.

“To eat lunch with me.”

I’m more than okay with that as he leads me up to his office. I hadn’t even known he had come in today but that’s neither here nor there. I take a seat on the full chaise, Judd handing me half an Italian sub that has to weigh at least five pounds. He sits beside me, delicately unwrapping his own.

A comfortable silence falls between us before I ask about the last week and where he’d like to go next on our adventure of dates. The conversation flows easily at first—updates on work, light teasing, the annoying holiday music blasting through the Windsor Creek shops—but eventually, I steer it toward Stevie. I have to. I have to know where I fit or if I fit at all, selfish as it is.

“How is she?” I ask, keeping my tone casual. “You mentioned she may be getting sick a little while ago.” I hold my breath, wondering if I’m overstepping. We’ve never truly talked about her before.

Judd hesitates, his fork pausing halfway to his mouth. “She’s much better. The doctor prescribed her some medicine,” he says after a moment. “Nakul… it’s only ever been the two of us against the world. I haven’t dated anyone seriously since Ava and I don’t really know how to bring Stevie into a relationship. It’s never been an issue because it’s always just been a few dates, a one-night stand, nothing serious.”

I nod, letting him work through his thoughts.

“It doesn’t feel fair,” he continues, setting his sandwich down. “Keeping that part of my life away from you when we’re dating. I know most people don’t bring kids into a relationship so soon, but this… this feels different. It feels right.”

I look at him, my heart aching at the vulnerability in his voice. “What are you saying?” I ask softly.

He takes a deep breath, meeting my gaze. “I’m saying I don’t want to let myself fall without knowing there’s someone to catch me—all of me, including Stevie.”

The words hit me like a freight train and for a moment, all I can do is stare at him. “Are you asking me to hang out with the both of you?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. I’ve spent time with his daughter before but the interactions were brief and unavoidable since Judd didn’t have a babysitter.

He nods. “Would you like to come to the park with us this afternoon?”

I swallow hard, emotion tightening my throat. “Yeah,” I say finally. “I’d love to.” This is feeling more like a family than it does just a man that I’m dating—as if he’s offering me an opportunity to find out where I belong and it feels like Christmas is already here.


After lunch, I find myself standing outside Jess’ office, debating whether or not to go in. Her door is open just enough for me to hear her chatting with Athena, who must’ve stopped by for a quick visit. It’s only a matter of time before Jess hears me and Nakul started dating, so I might as well get it over with.

I knock lightly, pushing the door open. Jess glances up from her desk, a sly smile forming on her face when she sees me. Athena turns in her chair, raising an eyebrow.