Bennett squeezes my shoulder. “I’ve had that thought more than once since Helena told me she was pregnant.”
I snort a laugh. “Looks like living in a retirement town has turned us into old men.”
Bennett laughs.
Warren, Tina, Penny, and Colton approach.
We’re still a short distance from the back of the hotel, and where Sara heard strange noises, but I’d intended that. We’ll shift here and start our hunt.
Before I can speak, a howl cuts through the night.
“Who’s up for a hunt?” I ask, already stepping out of my sneakers.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Colton says.
We strip quietly, quickly, and drop into crouches to embrace our wolves.
I take the lead as the rest trail me. The wolf is still up ahead, closer than I thought, given he had a head start.
Head down, we round trees, dart around bushes, sticking close to the wolf’s tracks.
And as I close the distance between us, the wolf’s scent teases my nose.
Where have I smelledthatbefore?
The stronger the scent grows as we close the distance, and the more distracted I am by a scent that taunts me.
The tracks stop, and I slow, the rest of the pack milling around me.
I shift, frowning, and so does Bennett.
“Something is wrong.”
“Yeah.” Bennett gets to his feet, also frowning. “I got that.”
“Don’t shift back yet,” I tell Warren, Colton, Tina and Penny. Still sniffing, I struggle to work out what is bothering me so much about this scent.
“Mack?” Bennett trails me.
“Give me a second.” I continue my prowl around the forest. “I just?—”
I step into a pile of leaves and I keep falling.
I have a second to absorb the pile of sticks pointed up, right at my face.
A trap.
No. An ambush.
Maybe one Aerin sensed was here.
One thought trickles through my mind, and only one.
Let Aerin be okay.