Page 13 of Hunted

Adela’s knees crack as she settles down on the grass beside me and closes her eyes.


She pats my shoulder. “Close your eyes and just listen.”

I close them.

We sit in silence for the longest time.

Winds tunnel through the trees. Leaves crinkle and rustle. Something small and fast burrows in the earth on my right. And the scent of rich soil, sweet grass and wild herbs makes this the place I’ve never been happier.

This house and this garden were my safe haven when I most needed one and I will always cherish it. Adela must know it too, because she likes to hold almost all our lessons here.

“What do you hear?”

“The sounds of the forest.”


I wait for more instructions. None are forthcoming.

“Should I be grounding myself?” I ask.

“No,” she says. “We are enjoying the sounds of the forest.”


“You feel at peace.”

“Are we not practicing anymore?”

“No, Aerin. We are learning to live in the moment.”

“And my powers.” Opening my eyes, I turn to look at her. “What if they don’t come back? Am I even an omega then?”

She glances at me, smiling. “I don’t believe they are gone for good. You are and you always will be more than just one thing in your life.”

“But being an omega is what makes me special,” I whisper, in case Mack is listening from the house. His ears are sharp, as are most shifters, but he always respects my privacy when I need it, so he won’t actively be trying to listen in.

“And is that why Mack loves you?”

There she goes again, always seeing right to the heart of my deep insecurities.

“No, I don’t think it is. He loves me for me and I love him for him.”

She nods, her expression pleased. “As it should be. So, we will let go of practice for now, learn to embrace the here and now, and enjoy the sounds of the forest.”

“But practice is important,” I remind her.

“Not at the extent of forgetting the present. You might not always have this forest to enjoy.”

I eye her curiously. “Mack asked me if I wanted to stay here forever. Now you’re saying that. Do you know something I don’t?”

She’s smiling, so whatever she’s hinting at can’t be bad. It definitely has me curious. Is Mack thinking about moving, or is this something else?

“Of course not, dear. Time to embrace peace.”

I study her for a little longer because it’s clear somethingisgoing on that she and Mack don’t want me to know.