I study him for a beat, trying not to assume the worst. “So you followed the tracks?”
“There weren’t many tracks since they headed into town. We checked out every inch of the forest near the house, but there was no other sign anyone had been there.”
“A shifter?”
He shakes his head. “Human. We think it might have been a tourist or a hiker who got lost and then left.”
“But you don’t know?”
“Like I said, the way my dad and Ivy have been acting made me go on high alert. I didn’t want to worry you when it didn’t seem that bad.”
“So what happens now?” I ask.
Mack seems calm about it, so I try to be as well. He’s the optimistic, positive one, so it isn’t new for him to be the one looking at the bright side and for me to assume the worst. I’m trying to change that, but anytime something bad happens, it re-sets all the positive outlook I’ve learned to embrace.
“Colton is going with Warren to check out the tourist cabins just in case this is something we need to worry about. I’d rather be paranoid and discover it’s nothing than for something to happen because we didn’t have our eyes open.”
“Me too.” I glance at my belly. “I wish I could help.”
He gathers me close, dropping a kiss on the top of my head. “You’re doing plenty. Growing a human is a pretty big undertaking. I’m not sure I could do it.”
He says it so straight-faced that I can’t help but smile.
“Are you going to see if anyone suspicious is in the hotel?” I ask.
He grins at me. “I knew I wanted you as a mate for a reason.”
“Just one reason?” I slide my arms around him as he kisses the corner of my mouth.
“Your intelligence.” He nods firmly.
“Justthat? Because the reasons I wanted you for a mate are in double digits.” I arch my eyebrow. A lifetime ago, I couldn’t have been so sure of a person's love. And I am. Mack loves me as I love him, so teasing him like this is something I never could have done with anyone. Even Shane, my former mate.
“Maybe not just your intelligence.” His voice is husky.
As I study him, a little of my amusement fades. “I wish I could come with you.” I sigh.
I know it’s not safe. If trouble is in that hotel, it would be stupid and irresponsible to traipse right in and put my life and Thumper’s at risk.
“My job is to keep you safe.” His lips touch mine.
“And mine?” I whisper.
The corners of his eyes crease when he smiles. “Keep Thumper safe and warm until it’s time for her surprise.”
Curiosity snakes through me, and then surprise. “Her?”
I’m positive I haven’t given Mack any clues that Thumper feels like a girl, yet Mack is smiling down at me with the confidence that he’s as sure of it as I am.
“Her,” he confirms.
“What’s the surprise?” It would be the easiest thing in the world to wait until he was gone and stick my nose in the nursery and find out the secret myself.
Months ago, I would have. I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself because surprises were something to fear. Something new was almost always something bad.
Not now.
“You’ll find out soon enough.”