Be strong, you big dummy,he thought to himself as he steeled himself against those eyes that had kept him strong for so long.I love you, Jill, and please forgive me.

“Nah,” he began and saw her flinch, feeling it like a stab to his gut. “It’s done, and we’ll figure it out.”

And with those words, he nearly ran from the house – and her.

A month later, Houghton was still avoiding his wife at every turn.

Today, he was sitting in the barn hiding. He had never run away from anything in his life, but he was running now. The idea of Jill being pregnant, knowing that Logan was trying to buy a house in Texas so he could be near Griffin so their children could grow up together, all of that hit hard – harder than he ever imagined.

His child would not grow up with them, with people he considered family, if they kept Jill’s dream home. Those memories, those images of her star-struck face as they had toured the cabin together, seeing the land, the undeveloped property had been daunting, along with the orders to go to Afghanistan.

They had sat down and talked frankly about what could possibly happen, and he insisted on buying the cabin for her. The idea of her being alone out here hadn’t set well with him then – and still didn’t – but if he died in Afghanistan, his beloved wife would be set for life.

And it nearly happened.

He nearly died there and had never told her. How could you tell the one you were trying to care for and protect that you nearly got yourself killed? It wouldn’t have changed anything. He would have been stuck there for a few more years, and she would have fretted – alone. No, he had swallowed back those fears, buried them deep down inside, and unburdened his soul to Logan and Griffin during those silent evenings when neither of them could sleep.

There had been so many raw discussions between the three of them under the stars, talking about things they never imagined they would share. He knew of Juliet’s suspected infidelity and how it tore up Logan – only to find out it was a vicious lie years later. He knew about Griffin’s girlfriend dumping him not long after arriving in Ghazni and how sickened the man was at finding out it was his cousin. They had beenthrough so much together, all of them, and lived. So why was he struggling now?

Hey – when are you two knuckleheads getting here?

Miss me?

Let me answer for Houghton – NOPE.

Ouch, Logan. Thanks, buddy.

(and I use the term loosely)

What’s up, Houghton?

I need to talk – and a swift kick in the butt

I volunteer as tribute!

OMG – I’m telling Lily, ‘No more television for you!’

How do you know what it’s from? Hmm? I bet you are doing the infamous whistle right now, ya big Pansy. We all know Jules rules the roost.

Only because I let her


Now, that is priceless! Lemme screenshot this.

NO! Don’t you dare, Houghton! I like my nuts in my pants, and she’ll kick me so hard that they’ll dangle from my nose.


How does Lily even put up with you? It’s a serious question we’ve both been wondering for the last few years that needs answering.

I think he’s been hanging out with Luka for too long.

Or Hody…