“Honey, she’s like ten years younger than me – maybe more.”

“Age-gap romances are all the rage,” she said loftily and gave him a sideways look once more. “So she’s terribly ugly, and the only thing going for her is her brain?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that…” her husband began, and Jill’s mouth dropped open as she swatted him on the arm.

“You’re not funny!”

“I’m not interested either. Besides, I’m happy right where I am with the woman I love more than life itself.”

“Let’s not test that theory by bragging about all the hot, brilliant nurses and medics you’ve worked with over the years,” she replied as her sweet babe gave her ‘the look’ again and hesitated. That simple hesitation combined with the flare of jealousy that was nearly overwhelming, surged forth. Every timeshe thought of him on the other side of the world with a bunch of women, she tasted bile. Their marriage had lasted a long time because she never pushed him hard, but just hearing about how ‘wonderful Giselle was’ or ‘Gretchen is so smart and my perfect replacement’ – well, it ate at her soul something terrible. “Spit it out,Edwin Leslie Houghton.”

And saw him flinch.

“Ouch?!”he hissed, yanking his arms away and glared at her. “I hate that name and you know it. I told you that there’s nothing there, so why can’t you believe me? There’s no reason to kick me in the mentalcahonesjust because you can. Dang Jill… we’ve been married a long time, and I’ve only been faithful to you – and you know it!”


“No,” he snapped. “We both obviously need to cool off and retreat to our corners. Besides, Griffin and Lily are coming up with the kids – and dropping off that girl that needs shelter here.”

“Great, just another couple of women to parade under my nose.” The words came flying out of her mouth as she slapped her hands over it in utter horror. What was wrong with her? She was so bitter, so prickly, and so emotional lately and saw her husband seize up like she’d slapped him. “Babe – I’m sorry.”

“No, if that’s how you feel, then we should talk, but not now while tempers are high. I’ve got to get Max and Daphne’s cabin ready, replenish the wood, and that other guy, Panic, hasn’t been much help.”

“Can we talk?” Jill wept openly and saw her husband’s own eyes shimmer with unshed tears. She’d hurt her sweet man, and that had never been her intention. In the years that she’d been married to him, she had only called him by that name once – and that was at their wedding. Even his parent’s had simply called him ‘the boy’ or Houghton, just like everyone else.

“Later,” he said hoarsely. “I know things are different with me being home, but I’m still a person. I don’t want to think that giving up all that time has driven a wedge between us… when I still love you, Jill. I’ve always loved you and would never look nor touch another woman.”

“Babe?” she sobbed, sitting down on the bed and putting her hands in her face – only to feel the bed sink beside her.

“Look, I’m sorry,” he whispered huskily. “If you only knew how many times I’ve been picked on and beat up over that name. It’s like an animal being conditioned – I snap and bite, but with you, I don’t want to continue the argument, which is why I try to back away.”

“I love you, and I know you hate it…”

“Then why goad me with it?”

“Babe, I’m just a little overwhelmed right now and,” she drew in a deep breath, looking at him. “I think I’m pregnant.”



“Say something…” Jill wept openly, staring at him. “I’m trying not to freak out or panic. I’m nearly forty years old, and I didn’t think I could have children. I mean, after all these years, we’ve never been careful, and nothing has happened… so why now?”

“Are you sure?” he asked hoarsely, his mind racing.

“Yes. There were two pink lines. I was taking a pregnancy test when you showed up with your face looking like a plucked chicken in the mirror’s reflection.”

“Thanks a lot,” he chuckled nervously. Shaving his face had been a moment of inspiration, wanting to make his sweet Jill happy. Their anniversary was coming up, and he knew it meant a lot to her – well, it did to him too, but she was more apt to a bunch of frippery in celebration and wouldn’t expect it from him.Boy, did he have a surprise in store for her!he mused, listening to her distractedly, his mind whirling.

“Well, it’s true. You’ve worn that beard for at least fifteen years, if not longer. What do you think Logan or Griffin will say?Can you just picture me pregnant – I mean, I’m a hefty woman. My butt is gonna be the size of Wyoming and…”

“Don’t say garbage like that. You know I think you're pretty,” he interrupted, rubbing the back of his neck in disbelief. “I’ve gotta think and need to get some stuff done around the place before we have a bunch of nosy guests showing up.”

Jill was staring at him in disbelief with this hurt look on her face – and keeping his mouth shut was proving to be a problem. It wasn’t time yet, and he couldn’t blow this. No, she would just have to understand and get over it.

“Yeah, that other pilot that’s here, the one with PTSD, and I want him as far away from you as possible if he has a breakdown. Plus, Griffin is coming with his little twerps. Next thing you know, Logan will be up here eating my food and dragging his own DNA-monster with him,” he grumbled, trying to throw Jill off the scent. “I gotta go.”

“Don’t you want to talk about… the pregnancy?” she whispered, and he could hear the indecision, fear, and need in her voice. That insecurity nearly brought him to his knees, but his secret had already been in the works for two months now.