“If you are romancing me, making a mess isn’t the way to do it…”
“Silence, woman, we’re creating something beautiful together,” and his voice was thick with emotion, causing her to instantly comply. “See, when it’s just you and me, we’re a thing – kinda messy, kinda works – but when you add a bit of sweetness. Things change, and I like the changes, Jill.”
She looked up at him in awareness and saw the truth in his gaze.
“It might scare me. I might not be any good at this, but I am excited that we are going to have a baby.”
“You are?” she uttered tearfully. “Are you sure?”
“I think it’s an incredible blessing that has finally happened – and if you want to know the truth?” he said hoarsely, his eyes holding hers as his arms tightened around her waist, and she heard the clatter of the spoon on the counter, uncaring. “I feel like I’ve put myself through Hell for so long that I am able to finally enjoy a little time in heaven with you. You are my heaven, my happiness, my forever, Jill. How could I ever be upset that God has given us a chance to take the best parts of each of us, swirling it around in your sweet belly, creating a miracle we get to love for the rest of our lives?”
“Why didn’t you say that?” she whispered, gazing at him. “I’ve been so scared that you were mad, upset, or wanted me to get rid of it – because then I would have to beat you to a pulp andshow you who’s the boss,” she wept, smiling through her tears as she teased him.
Her husband leaned down, kissed her forehead, and then pressed his forehead to hers before making a painful sigh that seemed too big for anyone to be real.
“I already know who the boss is of this house – and I’m quite content at letting my soulmate rule our little home.”
“I love you,” she breathed, leaning up to kiss him, and smiled. “But do grow the beard back.”
“It’s not too rough or scratchy? You are so soft and delicate…”
“Your beard is hot,” she admitted openly in a thick voice, meeting his eyes and seeing the flare of desire in those hazel depths. “I like a manly man – the beard, the grumbling, seeing you chop wood for the fireplace, flexing those muscles… mmm… all of that is pretty amazing.”
“What if I told you this ‘manly-man’ was going to carry you away to our bedroom and show you just how ‘manly’ he is,” he murmured playfully, kissing her lips… only for her to draw back regretfully.
“Our company will be back shortly because it’s cold out – and we have this cookie-mess to take care of now.”
“Then let’s make the cookies – and resume the conversation when we are alone.”
“Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” he said, reaching over to grab the blue tin of cookies. “I think there are a few left. Do you want one while we are making more of them?”
“Sure,” she shrugged, looking at him. “I’ll grab the heavy cream for the cookies and…”
Her husband had pulled off the lid of the cookies – and was standing there beside her, smiling. The cookies were all there, except one paper tray was missing. In its place was a velvetbox. She immediately took a step back and pointed, her finger wavering as she looked at him in disbelief.
She stared in disbelief as his lip trembled, and he knelt. His eyes met hers, so bright and shining that she immediately covered her mouth as the tears came forth once more, but this time in joy.
“A long time ago, there was a boy who fell in love with a girl,” he uttered, his words choked with emotion. “I know you deserve so much better than me, but I could never give you up… and yet you stood by me. I told you then, all those years ago when I proposed at Christmastime in your parents' kitchen, that I would love you until the sun stopped shining, and the birds quit singing – and they’re still tweeting all the dang time at five in the morning, and I swear we’re eating that ornery rooster next time I ask for fried chicken,” he laughed as a tear streaked down his face.
She watched silently as he pulled out the box, glancing at it as he opened it before meeting her eyes.
“Back then, I was so broke, so young, and so stupid – but the smartest thing I ever did was to get up the nerve to write that letter. Even if I was scared to death to talk to the prettiest girl in the universe, I had to try it. I don’t know what I would have done if Logan hadn’t admitted that he knew you from high school, actually, yeah, I do. I would have probably thrown up on the floor from stress.”
“You? Stressed?” she whispered, shaking her head and smiling at him proudly. “You excel during moments of high stress, and we both know it. When the poop hits the fan, you stand up and holler, ‘You missed!’. You’ve done it repeatedly, and people lived because of you. So, why would you be stressed about some overweight girl who forgot to wear makeup that day?”
“Because that breathtakingly beautiful woman made my heart skip a beat – and still does,” he replied, and she could see the truth in his eyes. “That broke boy saved up and bought the cheapest diamond ring he could find, just so he didn’t feel like such a failure asking you to marry me… but I told you then to give me time.”
“And I said ‘you have forever and a day’…” she murmured, remembering those moments with such overwhelming love. “You still have forever and a day, my sweet Babe, because there is no one else for me – and never will be.”
“Well, I’ve decided to step up my game now that I’ve had you tied to me for twenty years,” he chuckled tearfully and took the ring from the box, looking at her. “I’m a little more confident, barely any smarter, certainly not any richer…” and they both laughed in understanding, sharing a smile as he stood. His smile faded, replaced by those gorgeous puppy-dog eyes that were now creased at the corners due to age.
“Miss Jill Warren,” he choked out, reminding her of that boy who’d done this same thing all those years ago, hiding an engagement ring in a tin of cookies that had a large red ribbon bow on top. He reached for her hand, and she felt his hands trembling as she gazed up into his beloved face in rapt attention, committing this moment to memory. “May I have your hand in marriage?”
“Always…” she murmured and felt something cold on her finger.