Leo gave me a smug smile. “I wanted to make sure you got the full Quintessence experience.”
I quickly took the chair next to Libby, and Carter practically tripped over his own feet to get the other one while Leo pushed her chair in. Leo muttered something unintelligible under his breath and went around the table to sit across from Libby.
AJ handed each of us a leather-bound menu before looking at Leo. “Sir, would you like your favorite bottle of wine for the table?”
“Yes, please.” Leo smiled across the table at Libby. Hedidhave a nice smile, so I could see how Libby was faltering in her previous disdain for him. “The wine is from my family’s vineyard in Italy.”
Yeah, this was going to be a boozy lunch if I was going to sit through an hour of boastful chit-chat. “Is that Shania Twain Ihear?” I put a hand to my ear as AJ disappeared to get us wine and water.
Leo gave me a confused look. “The music playing? It’s Debussy.”
“Oh! FromTwilight. Right?” Bless Libby’s little book-obsessed heart.
Carter’s eyes had been narrowed on me in thought but then suddenly widened before he threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, man. I’m going to use that from now on any time Leo doesn’t impress me much.”
“Haha,” Leo deadpanned, flipping open his menu. “And yes, Debussy like inTwilight.”
Libby’s eyes lit up like they always did when someone got a book reference. It was a sure-fire way to break the ice with her. I’d even taken to reading a few of the books she talked about so I could understand what she rambled about half the time.
AJ came back with a pitcher of water and two bottles of wine. After filling our glasses, she left us to decide on our meals.
I skimmed the single page of the menu, every item sounding ridiculously fancy. There weren’t even prices next to the items. If cost mattered, this restaurant was not for you. “Leo, do they not have chicken fingers and fries?”
Libby kicked my foot under the table and gave me a death glare, and I couldn’t help but crack up. She always ordered chicken fingers whenever we went out, and I knew it drove her crazy when I teased her about it.
“Very funny,” Libby muttered. She kept her eyes on her menu but couldn’t hide the small smile playing on her lips.
“If you want chicken fingers, the chef can make them for you. They won’t be deep fried but will probably taste just as good if not better.” Leo gave me a bored look as if teasing was beneath him.
“No, that’s okay. I think I’ll try the quail. That’s like chicken, isn’t it?” She shut her menu and reached for her wine.
I don’t know why, but something inside me stirred as she brought the glass to her mouth and gently placed her lips against the rim. I’d been so close to those lips when Carter had taken photos, and damn it if I didn’t wonder what she would have done had I kissed her.
I looked away because what the hell was happening?
I felt like I couldn’t breathe, but no one seemed to notice my complete and utter identity meltdown that was happening right in front of them. Did I think women were attractive? Yes. Did I ever find myself wanting to ravage their mouths? Never.
I stared hard at the menu, hoping it would give me some guidance.
“If chicken tenders are your go-to meal, I’m not sure the quail is a good choice.” Carter swirled the red wine in his glass and looked around the table. “What if we get one of everything and share?”
“I’m always down for sharing.” Libby started to giggle.
My head whipped up, finding her hiding behind her menu, the visible part of her cheek flaming red. It was enough to snap me out of my existential crisis… for now.
I picked up my butter knife and pointed it at her. “Elizabeth Frances St. James. There will be none of that at this table.” Especially when the thought of it made my cock twitch to life.
“I’m sorry,” she managed to say as she slouched in her chair, laughter nearly choking her words.
“If the woman wants to share, who are we to deny her of such pleasure?” Carter grinned and winked at her.
Leo cleared his throat and loosened his tie. “I can have the chef bring out smaller portions on individual plates.”
“Well, that’s no fun.” Carter crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. “You’ve never been good at giving women what they want.”
If Leo’s eyes could have shot laser beams out of them, they would have. His jaw clenched so hard, I swear I heard a crack.He’s also not good at giving men what they want.
“I’m okay now.” Libby closed her menu and sat up, fanning her red face. “What’s in that wine?”