Page 85 of Bad Nanny

Mateo slung his arm around Brett’s shoulders. “Hockey season is upon us. You’ll have to excuse his aggression.”

Josie joined me, sliding her hand along my lower back to rest on my waist. “Violence is never the answer, but I give permission to use a hockey stick if he ever does.”

“Whose side are you on?” I kissed her cheek, not brave enough to kiss her neck or lips in front of her dad.

Honeybun’s bark came from the side of the house, and she darted into the backyard, zooming around, like she was the happiest dog in the world.

Noah appeared a minute later, a present in one hand and a new ball in the other. He threw the ball as he headed toward us, and I noticed a fresh scratch on his chin.

“Sorry I’m late.” He was never late, and he looked like he’d run here.

“Are you okay?” I’d never had to worry about Noah, but looking at him now, I wondered what the hell he’d been up to.

He gingerly touched his chin, wincing. “Am I okay? Well, my new neighbor’s gigantic cat got into my house, and I had to chase it. The demon spawn scratched me! Then the neighbor had the nerve to get mad atmefor it. So, no, I’m not okay.”

I bit back a grin. “Is this neighbor hot?”

“That’s beside the point. Any of her attractiveness flew out the window the second she started cooing at the devil, instead of apologizing for the scratch on my face.” He was seething, and I laughed, which earned me a middle finger.

Delaney gasped. “Uncle Noah! You need a time out!” She had impeccable timing.

“I need something,” he muttered to himself.

“Josie, can we give Daddy his present now?” Delaney grabbed Josie’s hand and started tugging it excitedly. “You said once family was here, we could.”

Josie squeezed my hip, then she and Delaney disappeared around the side of the house. I didn’t know what they were up to, but they’d been planning something for the past few weeks. The only reason I knew was because Delaney told me every night before bed that we were one day closer to my surprise.

A few minutes later, Delaney reappeared, walking backward and motioning with her hands as Josie rolled a big box covered by a sheet. It was cute that she thought she was helping.

Lex nudged me with his elbow and grinned. “This is going to be good.”

Now I was even more suspicious, since he seemed to know what it was and was getting his phone out. It looked big enough for a person to fit inside and was on top of a flat, rolling dolly.

Once the gift was in place, Delaney skipped to me, grabbed my hand, and made me sit in a chair, front and center. “Are you ready for your present?”

“I am.” I tickled her and she pulled away, giggling. “Did you get me a giant stuffed koala?”

“No, silly!” She ran to Josie, and they both hid behind the box.

The sheet was pulled away, revealing a homemade stage decorated with a big “Happy Birthday, Daddy!” sign. The addition of glitter, rhinestones, and a few fake olives made me laugh.

Delaney’s excited grin peeked around the edge of the stage before a puppet that looked just like her popped up. I could faintly hear Josie whispering, and Delaney started to speak in a loud, clear voice that was a slightly higher pitch than her usual one. “Once upon a time, there was a lost princess named Laney, who was five...wait, no, she was four years old. One day, she found herself all alone.”

Delaney moved her hand so that the puppet looked down at the stage. My heart tugged in my chest, knowing how much courage it took her to do something like this.

Another puppet popped up at the edge of the stage and moved toward Delaney’s. It looked like me, and I was amazed at how skilled Josie was at making puppets.

Josie’s voice came out in a manly tone that made everyone laugh. “And then, the brave, kind, and very handsome King Daddy found the lost Princess Laney in a land of confusion and sadness.”

Delaney’s puppet went from looking down to bouncing with excitement. “Daddy! You found me! But I’m so lost and scared.”

My puppet counterpart responded without missing a beat. “Fear not, Princess Laney, for I will protect you and give you all the love in the world. Together, we will journey back to our kingdom, where you shall never feel lost or scared again.”

Hands landed on my shoulders, my brothers both squeezing and making the little bit of control I had over my emotions fall away.

With Josie’s skilled manipulation, the puppet version of me knelt beside Laney’s. “I promise to keep you safe forever, to make our castle a home filled with laughter, glitter, and as many puppet shows as you wish.”

Delaney sniffled, and I wondered if it was her in character or if she was behind the stage, crying. “Can we have afternoon sparkles and a new friend for adventures?”