Page 44 of Bad Nanny

Taking a deep breath, I headed upstairs, pausing at the top. It was so awkward to barge into Gabriel’s room late at night. He was going to wake up thinking I was some stalker watching him sleep.

I almost turned around, but what if the creature got into my studio and hid somewhere?

All the doors were shut, but I knew exactly which one was Gabriel’s. I put my ear to one of the French doors and heard nothing. If he got mad at me for waking him up, I was going to smack him with one of his pillows.

Opening the door far enough to see his bed, I barely made out his sleeping form, thanks to the soft glow from the nightlight filtering in from the hallway.

“Gabriel,” I called out softly. When he didn’t stir, I pushed the door open farther and stepped inside. “Gabriel,” I said louder.

This time, he shifted in bed before rolling over to face me. Even in the low light, I saw his confusion. “Josie? What’s wrong?”

A sudden burst of emotion, that was part embarrassment and part exhaustion, hit me. “There’s something in my vent. It was just hanging there with its tail sticking out.” My voice shook, and I realized my entire body did too.

Gabriel sat up, the blanket falling to his waist and revealing his muscular chest. I did my best not to stare as he swung his legs off the bed and stood. He was only wearing a pair of snug black boxer briefs that left little to the imagination.

Clearing my throat, I quickly lifted my gaze from his muscular thighs to his face. “I tried calling you.”

“Hey, it’s okay.” He enveloped me in a hug, kissing my forehead. “Let’s go see what it is.”

Gabriel crossed to his dresser and pulled out a large flashlight, and I followed him downstairs. After handing methe flashlight, he went out to the garage to get a ladder and screwdriver.

When he came back in, he stopped in his tracks, his eyes doing a slow sweep of my body. “Fuck, Josie.”

I looked down at my cotton sleep shorts and tank top without a bra underneath. Crossing my arms over my chest, I stepped back as Gabriel maneuvered the ladder into my studio. “I didn’t exactly have time to put on a bra.”

“Oh, I’m not complaining.” He walked into the studio. “Which vent?”

“The one over the desk.” My screen saver had switched on, hiding what I’d been working on. I hadn’t even thought to turn off the screen.

He situated the ladder and climbed up, holding out his hand. “Flashlight.”

I quickly deposited it into his hand before backing up several steps. “Be careful.”

“Hmm, I can’t tell what it is. I’m going to pop off this vent cover, so I can get a better look.”

“ that a good idea?” I looked back at the door, ready to flee. “I’m going to wait over here.”

He chuckled as he started unscrewing the vent cover. I couldn’t watch what was about to happen, so I played with the hem of my shirt. He was being way too quiet, and I peeked up through my eyelashes as he descended the ladder.

“What is it? Is it dead?” I hadn’t smelled anything, so maybe it had just died.

“Come here.”

“I’m not coming over there! What is it?”

“Josie.” The way he said my name was as good as any command, and I forced my feet to move toward him.

“I swear, if it’s alive...” He turned suddenly, and whatever was in his hand brushed against my neck. “Ah! You fucker!”

He laughed as he tried to touch me with it again. I ran to the bed, climbing onto it to get away from him. “Oh, come on. You’re not scared of a little piece of plastic, are you?”

If looks could kill, he’d be a dead man. “What?” I put my hand over my heart.

He held up a piece of plastic that was skinny at one end and thicker at the other. “It’s a piece of plastic. Must have been in the ductwork and finally blew to your vent.”

“I hate you.” I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry from embarrassment. I’d freaked out over a piece of plastic, and I was never going to live it down.

“Your nipples say otherwise.” He rubbed his bottom lip, his eyes not leaving my tits. “Come here before you fall.”