Page 3 of Bad Nanny

Delaney’s eyes were wide as she looked up at me only once before turning her attention back to the orange dog puppet I’d made out of a sock. “No,” she whispered so softly, I wouldn’t have heard her if I hadn’t seen her lips.

Her father didn’t say anything, but he looked surprised.

“Well, if you don’t tell me what you’re getting, I think your daddy is going to force us to gobble up lots of smelly broccoli. Yuck!” I made gagging noises and moved the puppet closer to her. “Please don’t make me eat broccoli. For the love of dog treats, please. I’m begging you.”

I leaned in as she started speaking quietly. “I want what you got, and hot chocolate.”

“Oh, excellent choices! We’ll be bouncing off the walls! What about a sandwich you can eat before the cake pop and scone? Maybe your daddy will get all the things because he’s the best daddy ever.” I gave him a look that told him he better not deny this precious little nugget what she wanted.

“That’s fine.” He didn’t sound like it was fine, but Ithink he wanted this whole thing to be situated as quickly as possible.

I put Penelope right up against the glass like she was licking it. “Hmm. They have bacon or sausage. I vote for bacon.”

“Me too.” She was loud enough this time that even her dad heard.

“Josie,” one of the baristas called out from the pickup counter.

I cleared my throat, speaking to Delaney directly instead of through the puppet. “You know what Penelope told me?” I had her full attention as she looked up at me. “She said that she really wants to share that bacon sandwich with you, and since I didn’t get one, I should let you take her home.”

Delaney’s mouth fell open in shock, and her eyes lit up. “Really?”

“As long as your dad is okay with it.” I looked to him for confirmation, and he put his thumb up, since he was in the middle of ordering. “Will you take good care of her?” I slid the puppet off my hand and folded it carefully before handing it to her.

“Yes. Thank you.” She hugged the puppet to her, the smallest hint of a smile on her face.

I didn’t know what the little girl was going through, but having been a sad little girl myself after my mom died, I knew the power of puppetry. It could be scary talking to adults about feelings and needs, and adding in a puppet made that barrier so much less daunting.

Before I got too emotional, I grabbed my coffee and pastry bag off the counter and waved goodbyeto Delaney. Her dad didn’t spare me a glance, which was understandable. He was probably upset that Penelope had stuck her nose where it didn’t belong.

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I walked next door. Although I wasn’t thrilled about shadowing my dad, nothing could bring me down now.

Chapter 2

More Nannies, More Problems


To me,anything less than five minutes early was late. I was never late, and to be running behind three days in a row because my daughter’s nanny was stuck in traffic? Unacceptable.

I needed a live-in nanny who would always be there when I needed her. After firing the last three over six months, the agency suggested we do a trial period before another moved in.

A lot of good that did.

Now I was going to be on my fifth nanny, but I wouldn’t be using the agency again. Though they were supposedly the best in the area, I was unimpressed.

After all the rushing to get Delaney ready this morning, my nerves were frazzled. She didn’t do well veering off her routine, and I’d hoped getting her a special breakfast would alleviate some of her anxiety. Instead, I think I made it worse.

As my daughter and I waited for our drinks and food, the time ticked closer and closer to giving me hives. If I hadn’t needed to wake Delaney, get her dressed, and fix her hair, I would be at work and ready for my meeting.

I pulled up the group chat with my brothers that was already several messages long.

Noah: Gabe is cutting it a bit close yet again. I never thought I’d say this, but we need to have an intervention.

Lex: I agree. I bet he’s still getting his coffee too.

Noah: Of course, he is. Could you imagine him without it?

Lex: I’m shaking even thinking about it, bro... but since he’s not here, I say we scrap everything and show the designs we came up with.