Page 40 of Bad Nanny

“Hey. You’re home early.” He moved so he was sitting sideways on the couch and could look at me while I went into the kitchen. “How’d it go?”

I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face. “It was really great, actually.”

Noah smirked. “Yeah? Then why are you home before the movie should have ended? Did you even go, or did you go park somewhere and fuck?”

“Jesus Christ, Noah.” I glared at him. “We went but left early. We ran into her dad in the parking lot...while we were making out.”

His expression grew serious. “Shit. Did he bitch-slap you?”

I grabbed water from the refrigerator and held up one for Noah, but he shook his head. “He was pissed and reminded me I was her boss.”

He cringed, and I didn’t tell him any other details since it wasn’t my place to blab about Brett’s business. I had a feeling he didn’t want anyone to know he was seeing Mateo.

“How was Laney?”

“She was great. Was a little sad you couldn’t tuck her in. Asked if she could knock and see if Josie could, but she seemed fine when I left her sleeping a little while ago. I think she understood you were coming back.”

“She asked for Josie?” I was unsure how to feel about that. On one hand, it was great she’d connected with Josie so easily, but with so many variables that could take Josie from us, it made me uneasy.

“Yup.” He popped the p, a smug look on his face. “Talked about her quite a bit too. Girl’s got it worse than her dad.”

I blew out a breath and joined him on the couch. “That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t even know if Josie would be okaywith...” I trailed off, suddenly feeling exposed in front of my brother.

“With being Laney’s mom?”

“I’m jumping way too far ahead of myself here.” Wasn’t I? I couldn’t be thinking about Josie joining our family like that so soon.

“No, you’re not. You have feelings for Josie, and youdohave a daughter to think about. You don’t want to start a relationship with someone who would be a bad fit.” Noah yawned. “Man, taking care of a kid is tiring. Mind if I crash in your guest room?”

“Not at all.” I was too riled up to even think about sleeping yet. “Thank you.”

He clapped me on the shoulder as he passed. “It’s nice to see you smiling again.”

As he left the room, I thought about how my moods had shifted to slightly less grumpy the last few weeks. Even in the first few days, when I was still uncertain about Josie, I hadn’t been nearly as worried about Delaney as usual. The worry was, of course, still there, but now it didn’t feel like my world was caving in on me.

Chapter 14

Two Hundred Thousand Dollars for Puppet Porn


The last placeI wanted to spend my Sunday was at my dad’s house, defending my choices. Dad had always been overly involved, when it came to who my sister and I dated or didn’t date. Luckily, I was able to avoid the bulk of it, since I went away for college.

I parked my car in the driveway and tried to ignore the fact that I had so much I needed to get done for Sarah Swoon. My inbox was overflowing with a lot of junk, but also offers for sponsorships and brands looking to send me their products. What I needed was a business manager to handle all the administrative work, but I didn’t even know where to start looking for someone.

After checking my neck one last time to make sure the damn hickey Gabriel gave me was covered, I stepped out of my car. I shut my eyes for a moment and breathed in the fresh air of the coast. I missed being able to walk out of thebackyard and onto the beach. It was a beautiful day and the breeze from the ocean calmed my nerves a bit, but it would take more than salty air to soothe the apprehension knotting my stomach.

Feeling a little calmer than I’d been while driving, I walked to the door, gathering my thoughts. This wasn’t just about me and Gabriel; it was about my dad and Mateo too.

Using my key, I unlocked the front door, the hinges creaking as I stepped inside the familiar entryway. My gaze automatically flew to the windows looking out over the ocean. The view had always amazed me, except on the nights when there was no moonlight. Who knew what lurked in the vast expanse of dark water?

My dad stood in the kitchen with his back to me, but he must have heard the door because he called out without turning around. “Josie?”

Who else would it be?“Yep, it’s me.” My voice was steady, despite the butterflies playing bumper cars in my stomach. It felt like I was bringing home a bad note from the teacher, instead of having an adult conversation.

He turned, a smile spreading across his face, but his eyes held a hesitancy I wasn’t used to seeing. “I wasn’t sure you’d come.” Whatever anger he’d shown last night was tucked away.

“Well, you know I can’t resist your breakfast casserole.” My stomach growled in agreement.