Page 62 of Wolf Forsaken

“What is this coalition exactly?” They kept mentioning it in conversations, and it was making me nervous. It didn’t sound like they were tolerant of anything outside of the norm, and I certainly fit that profile.

“They make major decisions about packs that threaten to expose us. They always send messengers with their decisions or do it via email to keep their identities a secret.” Sara opened the laptop.

“I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think we can pull off a rescue if we lure Dante away from the den.” Xander squeezed my hand. “It sounds like he has everyone believing Ivy is dead. What better way to throw him off his game than to have her show up? He’ll be so worried about her exposing his lies, he’ll get sloppy, right?”

“Absolutely not.” Cole stood and began pacing. “I won’t put her at risk.”

“He has a point. It’s only a matter of time before he comes after me again, anyway. He knows I’m stronger than him. I proved it the last time I went head-to-head with him and sent him running with his tail tucked.” I stood and went to Cole. “I can lure him away so you guys can get control of the situation in the den.”

“Ivy…” Cole frowned and ran a hand down his face. “If he knows he can’t beat you in wolf form, he knows he can beat you with a bullet.”

“If I catch him unaware, I can shoot him with an arrow.”

“You’ve only shot that thing a few times and never at a living target. Shooting a human is way different than shooting a ceramic rabbit. We don’t know if it was just a fluke or…” I put my finger against his lips.

“I feel it in my soul, and I know that doesn’t help ease the worry, but trust me. I was born to shoot a bow and arrow.” I kissed him quickly and turned to the others. “I can use the treehouse and we can make sure he knows I’m in the territory.”

“No.” Cole was shaking his head vehemently.

“We just need to figure out a way to get him away from the den and to where I am. With backup, of course.” It sounded like it would work to me. “Eli, what do you think?”

Eli had been silent, his eyes ping-ponging as the discussion happened. I could tell he was thinking it through.

“I think with Dante away from his followers, it will give Cole and Silas a fighting chance to put them on their backs. With Dante there, they’ll be less likely to surrender.” Eli gave me a sad smile. “As scared as I am, I think Ivy’s right.”

A calmness washed over me. I could do this. I had to.

* * *

It feltlike we were going to war, and I guess in a way we were. I’d raided Carly’s closet and chose brown tones to blend in with the tree trunks in the forest. My hair was pulled back in a braid, and I pulled a beanie on over it. I didn’t plan on shifting since my best weapon at taking down a gun wielding asshole was a bow and arrow.

I was embracing my inner huntress, except this was real life and not some dystopian blood bath.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Cole adjusted the strap of my quiver of arrows and left his hand on my shoulder. “Because you don’t have to.”

“You’re my family now. I protect my family.” I leaned forward and kissed him. “Bone, Rover, and Eli will be with me too.”

“I know, but… it’s dangerous.” He pulled me into a hug. “As soon as we free the hostages, we’ll be right there. Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”

We’d talked at length about what killing a person would mean for me. There was, of course, the whole thing about being a murderer, but also the emotional toll it would bring. It needed to be done, though. What other option did we have?

There were no other options.

“I just wish the reinforcements were here. Damn weather.” The same weather system had hit the Tahoe pack, and it left them much worse off without power and buried in four feet of snow. In March.

“They’ll be here in a few hours, but we don’t have that much time.” Cole gave me one last kiss and went to join Silas, Manny, and several other WAP members.

“This is a good idea, right?” I kept my voice low so Cole and Silas wouldn’t hear me.

“We’ll be right there with guns to back you up.” Bone shoved some ammo in his pocket. “I’m a really good shot.”

Rover nodded but was quiet. He looked nervous, and that was the last thing we needed.

“Eli?” I watched him as he put ammo in a gun and then slipped it into a holster. “You can stay here if you have any doubts.”

“Nope. We’re in this together. I might be the omega, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to fight.” He looked over my shoulder. “We’ll give you guys a few minutes.” The three of them walked out of the barn to wait for me.

I turned to find Silas coming my way. He took my hand. “Bunny, before you go…” He pulled me to him, my hand going to his chest, and captured my mouth in a searing kiss.