"What? No, bunny. Never." He took my cheeks in his hands. "I would never hurt you."
"Then why?" I knew I had him right where I wanted him. I didn't mind the nickname, but if it was some ridiculous jab at me, I didn't want it.
His eyes searched mine, and he bit his lip. "You won't let me call you it anymore."
"Well, that's for sure since you won't tell me why."
He flinched. "It's because of your hair, okay? You know how people call redheads carrot tops and bunnies like carrots?" He let me go and backed up a step. Smart man. "And it just kind of tumbled from my lips. It's cute, right?"
"My hair isn't even that shade of red." I was going to shoot an arrow at him. I'd determined a long time ago that people were jealous of redheads and blondes, that's why we were always the brunt of hair color jokes.
When had anyone ever made a joke about a brunette? Never.
"In the right light-" Cole shut his mouth when I glared at him.
"You can pick my nickname. How about that? I've never let anyone besides Coco give me one, and that's only because he's too lazy to say Silas."
"Okay. From now on I'm going to call you lass... or maybe ass." I smirked, and everyone laughed except Silas. "Yeah, I think lass is fitting since you have long hair."
"Now, wait just a second. A nickname doesn't have to be from my actual name. You know what? I changed my mind." He crossed his arms over his chest, and I almost forgot what we were talking about with the way his muscles flexed. "Silas. Say it with me. Si-las with an uh sound, not an ah sound."
"Nope. Too late. Now, lass, go ahead and back up so I can shoot at this poor bunny someone painstakingly made only to have it slaughtered by my arrow."
Carly shook her head and laughed, putting the bunny target down and using the remote control to drive it out into the shooting field. "Okay, girl. Show this bunny who's boss."
Grabbing another arrow, I watched the target, raised the bow, and let it fly. The target flipped onto its side, the wheels spinning in the air. I didn't know how it was possible, but it was.
I turned to my onlookers and shrugged my shoulders as they stared at me open-mouthed. "I guess I just found a new talent."
"That's impossible." Silas jogged out to the downed target, picking it up and examining it. "Right in the heart!"
"It's not beginner's luck, that's for sure." Carly adjusted her ponytail. "Makes me wonder how you'll do shooting a gun. I'm going to go get one!"
Before I could protest, she ran off to get a gun. I wasn't a fan of them, but I was curious if I could hit the bullseye or if it was just limited to arrows.
"Are you just fucking with us?" Silas pulled the arrow out of the busted rabbit. "I mean, I would expect you to have a shorter learning curve because of your wolf capabilities, but never having shot before and hitting target after target?"
"I swear I have never picked up a bow before." I handed the bow back to Carly as she returned with a gun. I had the strangest urge to hug it to my chest and not let it out of my sight.
She showed me how to shoot the gun and I cringed. The sound itself was enough to make me piss myself, but I needed to see if I could shoot a gun accurately too.
Taking it, I did exactly as she directed, pointing it at the same dummy target in the middle of the field. I pulled the trigger and had no clue where the bullet went.
"That was horrible." Carly took the gun back from me. "I guess your weapon is a bow and arrow."
"Maybe we can order me one and I can practice. Although, I don't know what purpose it would have if I can just hunt as a wolf. Maybe I can go for the Olympics? Enter some competitions?"
"Well, that's great and all, but one of the coalition's laws is no wolf can engage in any competitive sport in which financial gain is received or attention is drawn to our abilities." Eli rocked back on his heels. "They will behead you if you take part."
My eyes widened and everyone nodded. "Wh... what?"
"You should see your face right now. Priceless." Cole put his arm around me. "No one is beheading anyone. Packs can be fined if their members use their abilities in any way that might draw attention to our kind."
"I played volleyball and received some titles and awards. Does that mean there's going to be a surprise collection notice that shows up one day with a hefty fine?" I had been a star volleyball player, and come to think of it, I hadn't put in as much work as some of my teammates. I just assumed I was a natural and left it at that.
"Probably not..." He stopped, a frown on his face. "I don't know what they're going to say or do when we report your existence."
"Wait a hot damn second. You haven't contacted the coalition yet?" Silas put his hands on his hips. "I thought you were Mr. Goody Two Shoes and followed the laws."