If people knew wolves existed, they would start closely examining all phenomena. That would put the tritons and sirens at risk too. There were probably so many other creatures that existed that I didn’t know about.
Since we would be working out, I put on some workout clothes Carly had let me borrow, and threw a t-shirt on over the top. The last thing I needed was for them to freak out over me in just a sports bra.
Who cared if they walked around without shirts half the time?
In the main living space of the den, Bone and Carly were lounging on the sectional with their phones.
“Girl, you look damn good in those capris.” Carly and I had somewhat become friends. There were a few other females that hung around, but Carly seemed to be around the most.
Did it bother me she had slept with Silas? A little. She seemed like a cool chick, but a little lost in the man department. It wasn’t like I could judge her when I’d been sleeping with three men, and probably would soon add a fourth.
“Eli’s cooking us breakfast. He said he doesn’t need any help. You’re welcome to join us.” Bone didn’t look up from his phone. “Everyone else is checking the perimeter.”
“I’ll go check on Eli first.” Maybe I could borrow a phone and call Riley and Jessica.
I left them and went into the kitchen where music was playing. Eli was standing at the stove, shaking his hips. Was he on the breakfast menu?
Trying to be sneaky, I tiptoed toward him, but damn wolf senses, he must have smelled me and turned to look over his shoulder. “Good morning, beautiful.”
I had no clue what he was cooking, but it smelled delicious.
“Good morning.” I grunted in protest when he turned and grabbed me around the waist and took my hand. “I don’t dance.”
He threw his head back and laughed. He was in a great mood, and it only improved my mood. This was the Eli I had first met, calm and relaxed.
“Well, I’ll have to change that.” He started moving, and I went along for the ride. I had no idea what he was leading me to do, but it involved a few sidesteps and some hip action. I was not a dancer at all, unlike my best friend, Riley, who did competitive ballroom dancing.
I would have thought the person who had no legs in their other form would suck at dancing, and the one with legs would be the better dancer. Wrong.
He sucked in a sharp breath when I stepped on his foot. Instead of moving, he just began swaying instead. “I’ve always liked a good challenge.”
I smacked his chest playfully and he let me go, turning back to the stove and lifting the lid on a pot. Inside was boiling poblanos, tomatoes, onion, and other aromatics.
Eli was every woman’s dream—he could cook, dance, and fuck—rolled into one sexy package.
“Maybe once we’re back home, I’ll let you teach me. I’ve taken a few lessons, but after every single one I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.” I leaned against the counter and watched as he cooked.
“It sounds like you just didn’t have the right teacher.” He turned off the stove and took the pot of boiling goodness to the sink where the blender container was.
Steam exploded upwards as he poured the boiled concoction into it. He moved the container to the blender base, put on the lid, and turned it on.
“What are you fixing?” I was so hungry I could have eaten a… fuck. I could have eaten a deer.
“Chilaquiles. Have you had it before?” He turned off the blender and removed the lid, the smell and steam wafting into the air.
“Can’t say I have, but it smells delicious.” My mouth watered as he dropped corn tortillas cut into fourths into a basket and dropped them in the fryer. “Chips? For breakfast?”
“It’s really good. You cook them a little in the sauce I just made and add fried egg with some beans on the side. You’ll be craving it all the time.” He shook the basket. “This is the way I make it."
“I can’t wait to have more of your cooking. I make a mean mac and cheese… from the box.” I was exaggerating a bit and could cook simple things, but it wasn’t any fun to just cook for myself.
“I’ll teach you how to make it from scratch. It’s easy. You can follow directions, can’t you?” He sounded like he was teasing me, probably because I hadn’t followed their directions very well since meeting them.
“Of course, I can. If I choose to.”
He took out the batch of chips and put in another. “I’ll have to provide you with some incentive then.”
“That might work.” I grinned. “Do you get sick of taking care of the pack?”