Page 31 of Wolf Forsaken

I was just about to lie down and get comfortable when the door opened, and Silas walked in. My stomach fluttered as he carried in a plate with a piece of cake and a lit candle on the top.

"Does this suffice as an apology?" He held the plate in front of me, and my mouth watered as the smell of rich chocolate invaded my senses.

It was the most decadent looking piece of chocolate cake I'd ever seen, and I'd seen a lot. The sponge was fluffy, and the chocolate frosting had a glossy sheen to it.

"Depends on if its edible." It was awfully suspicious that he just had a slice of cake and birthday candles lying around.

He grinned and brought the plate closer. "Happy belated birthday, bunny. Make a wish."

I shut my eyes and wished that things would settle down so I could really enjoy this new life and get back to normal. I opened my eyes and blew out the candle.

"What did you wish for?"

"I wished that you would stop calling me bunny."

"Since you said it out loud, it won't come true."

We both laughed and our eyes met. I felt the pull toward him, but that didn't mean I had to act on it. He still had to prove to me he wouldn’t hurt us.

Yet, I was in a room alone with him.

"You just had a chocolate cake like this sitting around?" I wouldn't have been shocked if there was magic involved. If there were mermaid-like creatures and wolves, what else was there?

I grabbed the plate and fork from him and took a bite of the most delicious cake I'd ever had. "Shit, this is good. Did you make this?"

Damn. Eli could cook and so could Cole. I had no clue about Xander, but if Silas was a baker? I was a goner.

Silas laughed and looked at the bed next to me and then at the opposite bunk. I saw the wheels spinning in his head, and he finally sat down across from me on the other bed.

"Carly likes to bake. There's always cakes, pies, cookies, you name it. I'd love to say that I made it, but then you'd expect me to always bake like that. If you ever want me to bake you something, I can make you some weed brownies. That's about it. And usually I burn them nine times out of ten."

"Weed brownies?" I licked the back of the fork, Silas's eyes glued to the movement. "There isn't weed in this cake, is there?"

"You got something against weed?" He put his hands behind him and leaned back, his arms and chest stretching his dark gray t-shirt across his muscles. It was surprising he had no tattoos, at least not on his upper half.

"Doesn't it fuck wolf shifters up?" I ate one last bite of the cake before setting it on a small side table at the end of the bed. Maybe Xander would want some.

"It's definitely more potent for us. It's fun. You should try it sometime." He pushed off the bed and came across the room the short distance.

I looked up at him as he leaned one of his forearms on the top bunk and brought his hand toward my face. I shuddered as he wiped across my bottom lip and brought his thumb to his mouth, licking the small bit of chocolate frosting from it.

"Try it?" I spluttered before clearing my throat. "I tried some back in college and about burned my lungs out." I rubbed my chest at the memory.

He was still standing over me but didn't touch me again. I kept my eyes on his because if I looked down, the button on his jeans would be right at eye-level.

"Did you like the cake?" His eyes were hooded, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to know he was thinking about eating the cake between my legs.

"It was all right."Don't look down."So… are we going to talk about the picture?"

"What about it? That you think he's your father? I'm not so sure of that, Ivy." I didn't like that he didn't call me by my nickname, which was disturbing since I thought it was cheesy. "I was young when he died, but I never saw him with a woman, or heard him talking about a woman. It's not like wolf shifters can hide their relationships either. We were the only pack for hundreds of miles."

"You were a child."

"I think we would have noticed a pregnant wolf around." He pushed off the bunk and his eyes widened. "You said you just turned twenty-six. When's your birthday?"

"March thirteenth is what's on my birth certificate. But the paperwork says they found me the morning of the fourteenth. Why?"

"Fuck!" He began pacing the room, running his hands repeatedly through his hair and then gripping the back of his neck.