Page 22 of Wolf Forsaken

Cole kissed my inner thigh and sat up on his knees, moving forward and placing my hand on him again. He thrust his hips, his eyes on the scene playing out before us.

The moment Eli let go of his cock, giving Xander full access to it, Xander scraped his teeth against my shoulder. "Take him in your mouth, Ivy."

I propped myself up on my forearm and let Xander guide Eli to my mouth, taking him until my lips touched his hand wrapped around the base of Eli's dick. He was harder than I'd ever felt a man be.

"So fucking hot." Cole's hot cum spilled onto my hand as he came.

Eli thrust into my mouth, his velvety skin hot against my lips. He gasped and then exploded, his salty cum sliding down my throat. I sucked him until he pulled away, collapsing back on his ass.

"I hope I didn't push him too far," Xander mumbled against my shoulder, wrapping his arm around me.

I patted his hand. "I think he's blissed out right now." Eli covered his face with his hands as he laid down on his back, his chest heaving. "Just give him time to process."

Hell, I needed time to process. How was I ever going to have normal sex again?

Chapter Eight


After cleaning up with the blankets, we climbed out of the treehouse. My legs were still shaking as we set off toward the fire station. The wind had died down significantly, but the snow was still lightly falling. Dante would probably try to find us soon, so we needed to be quick.

We shifted and followed Cole, who seemed to be perfectly healthy again. I didn't know what to think about him saying I had healed him. That wasn't something wolves normally did, at least from my understanding. Now wasn't the time to think about it, though.

It was hard to tell with the snow and the cover of the trees, but the sky was turning from black to a dark gray. I was still getting used to my wolf's vision, which was much wider than a human's, and the images were crisper. My brain was overloaded with the new perspective my body gave me.

My stomach protested as we ran, and my mind drifted to the thought of deer.


Now was not the time to think about eating any more Bambis. I needed to eat though.Maybe if we happen upon one, I can have a little nibble.

"A nibble of what?"Cole asked. Had I transmitted my thought to him? I didn't mean to.

"Uh... a nibble of deer."I ran faster to catch up with him."I'm hungry, and I'm sure all of you are too."

"Whoa. Why can I hear you?"Xander ran up behind me, leaving Eli slightly behind us."I can't hear Cole."

"Apparently, I'm an alpha. We haven't had much time to explore why Cole and Eli can communicate with me. Maybe it's because I'm mates with you all."I would just add it to my list of giant life questions I needed an answer to.

"Does that mean I'm in your pack?"

"I don't know what the hell it means, honestly."And I didn't really care. All I wanted was to get somewhere safe and preferably with food."I haven't had time to check to see if it transfers to anybody else or to Silas."

Maybe it was some kind of special mate connection activated by sex or a show of dominance. I hadn't put Xander on his back, but Xander also was the only one who didn't have a pack.

The building we were seeking came into view, and we slowed down to assess the situation. We needed to be careful in case Dante had men staked out. The East Arbor Pack was large, and Dante's reach could only go so far in such a short period. Especially since he had to cancel his pack meeting because of the snowstorm.

We shifted as we got to the door, and it surprised me how easy and seamless it had become to go back and forth between my two physical states. My wolf and I felt like we were the same now.

As soon as we opened the door and stepped inside, heat washed over us. It felt so good to be in a room with central heat. While it had been warm under the blankets in the treehouse, this was a different type of warmth that permeated the body.

The inside of the building was dark besides a few dim lights evenly spaced along the brick walls. There were three giant trucks that were much larger than regular fire engines, a water tanker truck, a helicopter, and a trailer with all-terrain vehicles. It was impressive for belonging to a pack of wolves.

"Ryan is probably still sleeping. He's a heavy sleeper, but let's get out of here quickly." Cole pressed a button on the wall and the giant door slid open. He went to a set of hooks and grabbed a pair of keys.

"I really don't know about this whole flying thing." Xander took a pair of pants that Eli handed him and tugged them on. I wondered if someone's job was to check all their clothing caches and restock when they ran low. "The last time I was in a helicopter…"

He got a faraway look in his eye, and my heart clenched. I didn't know what had happened to him to bring him to us, but whatever it was had been traumatic.