Page 55 of Wolf Forsaken

Who was I kidding? There was no way my other half was human.

"I think we're being followed. There was a situation in Huntsville with Xander, and I believe whoever had him must have been there." Silas reached over and stroked Xander's head. He'd laid down in the front seat with his head on the center console.

"You aren't headed back here, are you?"

"No. I'm headed west. I'm not sure if this guy is going to try something, but for now, he appears to be alone. It’s possible he tried to plant something on us to track us too." Silas switched lanes and watched the rearview mirror. "We're going to have to ditch the SUV and find another way back. Not entirely sure when and where."

"Let me talk to Sara and get back to you. Maybe you can hold him off, and Bone and Rover can come and run him off the road." Cole had a point. Those two were good at that.

I could see the car that was tailing us out the back window now. It was a black SUV with dark tinted windows, dark enough that I could only see a shadow of a man in the driver's seat.

They hung up and Silas ran a hand through his hair. "This really fucking sucks. Who are these people?"

"Maybe they're government." The man was still behind us, but keeping his distance. "The government has to know about us, right?"

"To my knowledge, no. There are a few of us on the inside to ensure that doesn't happen and the coalition to make sure wolves don’t get out of hand, but I guess it's possible." He looked over at Xander. "Whatever they're doing though, they need to be taken out, and sooner rather than later."

Just another thing to pile onto the list of crazy shit. Was it always like this being a wolf? If so, I wanted a refund.

Xander whimpered, and Silas started rubbing behind his ears as he took an exit toward a residential development. I didn't know what he was doing, but he seemed to have a plan.

He turned into an apartment complex and pulled into a parking spot. The car that was tailing us didn't pull in after us, but that didn't mean he wasn't lying in wait.

"We need to get to the strip mall on the other side of this complex, and then I'll steal us a car." Silas leaned over and opened the glove compartment, pulling out a gun.

"Uh... what the fuck, Silas?" If he thought I was going to get into a stolen car, he was crazy. "Why couldn't we have just stayed on the highway and waited for Cole?"

"Bunny, do you trust me?" No, but I nodded anyway as he turned to look at me. "Then trust that I know what I'm doing."

"What about Xander?" We got out of the SUV, keeping a close eye on our surroundings. I was suddenly freezing and wish I’d worn an extra layer. "What if he takes off again?"

Silas opened the front passenger door and Xander jumped out. "He won't. I think he's had time to process what's happening now and won't run off like that again. Right, man?"

Xander yipped once and licked at Silas's hand, then mine. Gross.

We headed toward the building in front of us, walking through the breezeway and out the other side where more buildings were. We were headed toward the back of the complex where a fence backed up to a strip mall.

"I've never climbed a fence before." We were speed walking, and Silas shoved the gun in the back of his pants. "How is Xander going to get over? Are you going to throw him?"

"No. Wolves can jump." He texted someone, I was guessing Rover, and then shoved his phone in his pocket.

This whole thing was a bad idea.

"You go first." Silas was watching behind us. "Run and then jump as high as you can."

I didn't know what the hell I was doing, but I surged forward, the fence looming ahead. My feet pounded across the ground, and I jumped before I reached the fence. I grabbed onto the top bar and used my feet to climb so I could pull myself up and over.

I landed safely on the other side and waited impatiently for Silas and Xander. Silas knelt a few feet out from the fence and Xander ran and jumped onto his back while Silas stood, giving him an extra boost.

Wolves must practice that kind of maneuver because they worked in tandem so well I would have never known they barely knew each other.

Silas practically flew over the fence after Xander, and then we were running along the back of the strip mall. What we were doing was crazy, but what other choice did we have?

"Are we absolutely, one hundred percent certain that man was following us?" We rounded the side of the building and slowed to a walk, Xander between us like a companion dog. "Maybe it was just one of those instances of heading to the same place at the same time."

"Bad man."Xander looked up at me with glossy eyes.

I didn't understand why he was speaking like he couldn't get the words out, but I missed the Xander who had emerged over the past several days.