"Shit." I took Jax's hand, which drew all of their attention as we tried to pass.
Melissa stepped into our path and crossed her arms. "Well, if it isn't the golden couple."
The other girls surprisingly took off, leaving us alone with Melissa. Officer Thomas was milling about inside the cafeteria, right by the doors.
"What do you want?" Jax shifted from one foot to another, his patience wearing thin. "We're getting too old for this catty bullshit, don't you think?"
"I have a message for you, Riley." Her eyes went blank and glossy as her hands went behind her back. "Help him or everyone around you will pay."
She pulled something from behind her. It flashed in the sun, and with one quick movement, it was in her stomach. Blood quickly spread across her shirt and her hands shook uncontrollably as she looked at us in panic.
Everything happened in a blur as Jax caught her before she hit the ground, Officer Thomas rushed out of the cafeteria, shouting into his walkie talkie. I stood back, feeling numb and helpless.
I heard the message loud and clear.