"Why?" I planted both feet on the ground and looked up at him. He didn't even know what I'd gotten on video.
"If anyone sees..." He started pacing in front of the entertainment center. "All it takes is the wrong person seeing us and that's it."
"What would happen?"
He stopped his pacing and sat back down before taking my face in his hands. The second his hands were on me, something low in my gut stirred. "You didn't see?"
"See what? You were swimming unnaturally fast and Morgan's eyes..."
"What about his eyes?"
"They were glowing yellow and looked weird. If you guys are on drugs that do that to you..."
He sat back, breaking contact with my skin. I frowned down at his hands, wanting them back on me.
He wasn't giving me the answers I wanted. "What do you know about sirens?"
"What do you know about sirens? You have a siren knife."
We stared at each other. I was gauging how much I could trust him about the knife and he seemed to be doing the same. Finally, he took my hand and my shoulders relaxed a little.
"All of those knives should have been destroyed a long time ago. They're dangerous in certain hands." I nodded, urging him to continue. "Forget whatever shit you've read from Greek mythology. That's not what sirens really are."
"What are they then?"
"They were warriors of the sea. Their purpose was on the front lines, protecting Poseidon's sea palaces from being discovered and infiltrated by explorers. One word from their lips could entrance anyone into forgetting their own name if they wished it." He stood again and went to look out the front blinds. "Poseidon gifted them with knives that had hilts of abalone to sooth their more vicious nature. The knives themselves could cut through anything, including the same doors they were meant to protect."
I wanted to laugh at what he was telling me, because it sounded outlandish. "You said they were warriors?"
"The tritons destroyed their knives and killed them because they attempted to infiltrate the palace to take Poseidon's child."
"Percy Jackson?" I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I was enjoying this story he was telling.
Blake rolled his eyes. "I'm not making this up. Poseidon thought he was immune to the sirens, but he was wrong."
"Are sirens blue?" I still didn't understand how it all connected, or what my estranged father and my missing mom had to do with it all.
He turned back to the window again and didn't answer. I stood and went to stand beside him. Jax's SUV was sitting out front.
"They aren't blue." His frown deepened as Jax got out of his vehicle and leaned against the passenger side, staring right at us. "Tritons are blue... for camouflage."
Jax pushed off the side of his car and walked toward the front door, a scowl on his face. I didn't know what he thought he was doing, but I wasn't about to let him in my house so they could outnumber me.
"Are you going to let him in?" Blake's laugh was uncomfortable. "He'd love to hear you ask all these questions about sirens and tritons."
The doorbell rang. "Will he tell me what the hell is really going on?"
"Only one way to find out." Blake sat back down on the couch. "If you don't let him in, he'll find a way in."
I scoffed and went to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it. "What do you want?"
He walked in and pushed past me. "Blake. Why are you here?"
"Just hanging out. What are you doing here?"
They stared at each other and then both looked at me. I wasn't sure why I'd let either of them into my house.
"Blake was telling me about sirens and tritons." I crossed my arms.