Page 8 of Yuletide Orc

Iinhaled deeply, cringing at the way the frozen air filled my lungs, and lunged around the tree with a spell on my lips. Fire burned between my palms in the shape of a sphere, but I’d miscalculated Bikkar’s position. Instead of taking the brunt of my magic, he came from the side, pushing my hands out of the way and quickly maneuvering himself around me. Bikkar pulled me against his body and held my wrists up before us both. I was engulfed by his size and easily restrained by his massive strength.

“Stop,” he growled into my ear as his body’s warmth flooded around me. His strong hold after the chase sent a ripple of excitement through my body that I loathed to even admit occurred. Ihatedthis orc. Why the hell did my body insist on being attracted to him? Especially after this morning?

Because he’s warm, my mind argued.And strong. And honorable, apparently.

Because the others ran away from you, and he’s runtowardyou.

“Getoffof me.” I struggled against him, but in a contest of might, there was no point. So I opted for what magic I had leftin me now and shifted my foot as I whispered a spell for ice. It bloomed under Bikkar’s feet and shifted under my control. The sudden existence of ice beneath his feet sent Bikkar teetering off-balance for a moment before he regained it, but in that moment, I elbowed him hard in his side. His grip loosened and I took the opportunity to wiggle out of his hold.

This trick had worked twice today. It would not work a third time.

I sprinted forward through snow. Bikkar roared and lunged, tackling me to the ground beneath him. I lay there on my back, restrained purely by his massive hulk of muscle and power as he stared down at me. His lips tightened into a snarl, sending a terrifying visage alongside his tusks and burning eyes.

“You donot”—he said, emphasizing his words by slamming a green fist into the snowy ground next to my head—“deserve the kindness I am showing you. You steal and kill and run like acoward.”

Fuck.My excitement jumped solidly back into fear territory.

“Why?” Bikkar demanded as his stared down at me. He was straddling me now, keeping my small frame in check beneath his. His chest heaved in time with mine. That detail sent a harsh strike of suddenneedcoursing through me. All of this was so insane, but after all the fighting and adrenaline, after the thrill of that chase, aftereverything, lust slammed into me hard. I needed an outlet for all these feelings. I needed?—

Stop.I froze just short of even thinking it.

“Why?” Bikkar demanded with a roar. He clenched his fist hard next to my head, but he didn’t slam it into the ground again. Around us, snow toppled in on the hole we’d made as we fell. The cold wetness seeped into my clothes, chilling my skin even as Bikkar’s body provided warmth.

“Because I don’t trust you,” I said as truth bubbled to the surface. There was no avoiding eye contact with Bikkar thisclose. No more room for lies or deceit or escape. There was only me, Bikkar, and enough snow to freeze us both to death.

“You shouldn’t,” Bikkar argued.

“Then why do you think I’ll feel safe thanks to orc law?”

Bikkar grunted. “Because orc law is sacred. It binds us all to its oaths, even when it protects enemies.”

“Like me.” It wasn’t a question.

“Like you.”

It was then I realized my palms were still pressed against his leather-covered chest. Held there as I’d braced myself against his tackle. As I’d struggled against him. But now, all I could think about was the way I felt his heart beating through his chest, hard and heavy.

“I ran because I know our history, Bikkar.” I was surprised when my hoarse voice came out barely louder than a whisper. This cold air was doing me in. “You should kill me. I would’ve helped my party kill you a few hours ago, orc law or no.”

“Crown law or no, apparently,” Bikkar pointed out. Anger kept his body stiff, but his eyes had stopped burning quite so hot.

Our stares met and for a moment that spanned heartbeats, neither one of us said anything. My awareness snapped to attention again where I touched his chest. Where his hips met mine, holding me against the ground. Where a hardness now pressed against my thighs. My core pooled with warmth at the observation.

Bikkar must have loved the thrill of the hunt as much as I’d liked being hunted.

Bikkar broke the silence. “I don’t want to kill you.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” I spat more out of habit and defense than truth.

Bikkar shifted, reaching for my hands and holding them above my head with one of his. Weary of magic again, clearly. I didn’t blame him. But even if I got free right now, therewas nowhere to run. And there was definitely no ignoring the attraction, the sexual tension, thick between us now.

It didn’t help that I was beginning to realize I enjoyed restrained by him.

Bikkar reached behind him with his free hand and pulled out another length of rope. “I wanted to bring you to justice.”

“Only after Yule started.”

Bikkar grunted again and pinned me with a hot stare. “If you catch an orc in the heat of battle and expect to be shown mercy instead of death, that is your own foolishness. Yes, I would have killed you this morning had I caught you minutes earlier.”