Dylan grabbed her hips and roughly pulled her down over his cock. Sarah closed her eyes and gasped, enjoying the sensation of him filling her up. He was so big. He filled her completely, making her groan with pleasure. Her eyes automatically closed as she took a moment to get comfortable, then she opened her eyes, and grinned into his handsome face.

“I love you, Sarah,” he whispered. “And I’m gonna possess you until you can’t think straight.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but she felt him straining inside her, so she began to move her hips back and forth, slowly at first – eking out the pleasure – but soon the pace quickened and she rode him faster and faster.

Dylan gripped her hips with his strong hands, speeding up the rhythm even more, and rubbing her moistened clit over his toned abdomen – sending delicious euphoria into her pussy with each thrust. He slapped her hard on the hip as she felt the orgasm catch, and her pleasure rushed over her writhing body like a flood of ecstasy, making her cry out involuntarily.

“You’re mine, Sarah Newell,” she heard Dylan say from a faraway place. “Mine forever.”

Volts of pleasure gripped her body carrying her away on a glorious sensation of delight. The passion caused her physical body to dissolve into light, and she was struck with an overwhelming sense that she and Dylan were in a magical area of the universe where they owned each other. The orgasm bound them together, possessing them and connecting them to each other with joy. Slowly the intense delight faded into a snuggly sensation of happiness. Sarah vaguely remembered that they were together on the kitchen floor – not zooming through the universe – so she opened her eyes and grinned at him. He looked supercool and utterly in control, but his eyes were full of love.

And Sarah loved him. “That was amazing!”

“You’re amazing, sweetheart.”

His cock juddered, sending more pleasure into Sarah – giving her an extra dollop of delight.

Dylan held out his arms, so Sarah collapsed down onto his toned chest and nuzzled her face into his neck. His strong embrace fell around her.

She sighed. “It all seems worth it when I experience moments like that with you, Dylan.”

“What seems worth it?”

She pushed herself up and gazed lovingly into his eyes “All the trouble that accompanies you.”

Dylan coiled her hair in his fingers. “Tomorrow it’ll all be over, I swear. We’ll be safe. We’ll be able to get to know each other without a bunch of Russians tailing us. Okay?”

“Okay.” The sight of Dylan’s wonderful body and handsome face caused arousal to spiral through her again. She ran her fingers over his stubble. “But until then, I’m very happy to hide-out here. We’ve got all night – I’m sure we can think of something to do!”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

This time Dylan wasn’t taking any chances of his car being sabotaged – he was taking taxicabs all the way. The little café was practically empty today, other than the young Russian spy sitting in the corner, engrossed in his coffee and ancient laptop. Dylan and Sarah halted at his table, not bothering to sit down.

Mikhail looked up. “Right on time.”

“You got what we need?”

Mikhail reached under the table and pulled out a bundle of papers. “Everything of Natalia’s is right here. Her ID, also printouts of the emails she sent about Orlov and his corruption. I wish I could be there when that bastard gets what’s coming to him.”

Dylan took the papers. “This lot must be worth quite a bit to your organisation – but you trust me and Sarah?”

“I know you will do what you say you will. Natalia trusted you enough to have an affair with you, so I should trust you too, yes?”

“You want these back?”

“Leave them with Orlov’s gang. They need to see what sort of woman he was married to. I want them to know how stupid he was to let his dick control his brain. He gave up a lot of secrets during the pillow talk, you know.”

“And what will you do now?” Sarah asked.

“I will go back to Russia. Lie low. Mourn my beloved. Continue to fight for our homeland and freedom.”

Dylan offered his hand. “Good luck.”

Mikhail shook it firmly. “And to think I was going to kill you less than a week ago.”

The three of them laughed nervously. Dylan stashed the papers in the inside pocket of his suit jacket, then led Sarah back out into the sunshine, where the cab was still waiting.

Dylan had been to Orlov’s office several times during the negotiation process, but the plush Central London building seemed smaller today; less intimidating. He held Sarah’s hand as they strode into the lobby where Detective Edwards and her male partner were sitting on a leather couch, drinking takeout tea and chatting casually in their plainclothes. Trying not to give the game away.