“So what are you gonna do?” Ivan said sarcastically. “Stroll over to Orlov’s place and ask if you can take a look around?”

Dylan opened his mouth to retort, but Sarah interjected. “Hey, Dylan, you said you were planning to call off the deal with Orlov today. Did you do that?”

He threw an affectionate grin. “No, sweetheart, I was slightly tied-up this morning, as you might’ve noticed.”

Sarah blushed, then quickly composed herself. “Well, I was just thinking – much as you’re loath to – would it be a good idea to continue with the deal? Or at least pretend to? Keep your enemies close – that sort of thing?”

Dylan nodded pensively. “Funny, Orlov said something similar to me last time I saw him. You’re right, babe – I’ll string him along, and try to ingratiate myself with him.”

“Just make sure you find and destroy the remaining bit of blueprint before he wants to sign any contracts,” Ivan said. “You really don’t want him in your life, Dylan.”

Dylan rubbed his eyes wearily. “Yeah, thanks for the advice – I could’ve done with that a month ago.”

Ivan leaned forward. “You can do this, Dylan. You’re the eldest now. I’m dead, remember?”

“Not really.”

“I feel it some days.”

“You’re missing Samira, huh?”

“Understatement of the century. It’s like one of my limbs has been severed. And the worst thing is knowing she thinks I’m dead. And I can’t just show up and go ‘Hey, Samira, I’m alive after all’ – I’d hate anything to happen to her, especially now this is all kicking off again. You need to sort this all out, Dylan – it’s your time to shine. You’ve gotta do this. For me. And for the world.”

“Right,” Dylan said. “No pressure, then.”

Sarah held his hand tenderly, hoping to send loving vibes from her fingers to his. “The Russian rebels obviously think you’re capable of this, Dylan. And I’m here to help in any way I can.”

“I’ll help, too,” Joseph said.

Dylan nodded. “Thanks guys. I guess being second-in-line to such a great brother’s put me in Ivan’s shadow my whole life.”

Ivan stood up. “Then it’s time to get out of it. Now who wants coffee?”

Sarah smiled. “Actually, I’d like to go for a walk on the beach. Can we?”

Chapter Seventeen

Sarah removed her shoes and relished the tingly feel of the soft sand on her bare feet. She rarely walked around sockless, and it felt as if she was receiving a foot rub from the beach, making made her body fizz all over.

Lightness drifted through her like the gathering white clouds up ahead. Dylan linked his fingers through hers, and they shared a smile. But she could see that he was taking the weight of the world on his shoulders, and she wanted to help him feel lighter. As Winston Churchill said, ‘if you’re going through hell, keep going’. Hopefully this stroll by the sea should cheer him up; it always helped to set her mind free, and this beach was lovely – it was long and sweeping, secluded and vibrant.

She held his hand and enjoyed a sensation of vastness within, caused by the open blue sky and an ocean that seemed to stretch out for miles and miles. The gulls were squawking above, and the sound of the crashing waves soothed Sarah’s soul. Ivan and Joseph were strolling behind, catching up on what they’d missed over these last few months. Despite Ivan’s reluctance to be discovered, he was clearly delighted to be reunited with his baby brother.

Sarah shot Dylan a tender smile, so he put his arm around her and pulled her close. They were walking quite close to the shoreline now, so Sarah was keeping an eye on the spume fingers that were stretching their way towards her feet. Luckily, the frothy water wasn’t quite able to reach them yet, so it gave up and slunk back to the sea, biding its time, gathering its strength.

Dylan kissed her on the forehead. “Ever had sex on a beach?”

Sarah laughed. “No. And I’m not going to with your brothers right behind us!”

“Oh… sounds like you might be tempted if they weren’t there. I’d love to fuck you out here; show the world that you’re still mine.”

“Don’t you ever stop thinking about sex?”

He grinned. “Not when I’m around you, sweetheart.”

“Well, you’ll just have to wait until we get back, won’t you?”

“I’ll hold you to that offer.”