“I guess you’ll find out tomorrow at noon,” Adam said. “Perhaps it’s something to do with the soccer club?”

“Strange that you’re involved with Fenchurch United,” Sarah said nostalgically. “That was my dad’s team.”

Dylan remained supercool. “Yeah, I remembered that. It was weird – it made me think of you.”

Adam winked playfully. “Maybe you conjured up Sarah with the power of your mind, Dylan.”

Dylan didn’t look at her. “Whatever. But, listen when we meet with Orlov tomorrow, we need to make sure we stay in control at all times.”

Adam and Dylan launched into a discussion about their strategies, and Sarah felt as if she was caught up in a 1960s spy novel. She opened her mouth to ask exactly what sort of a deal they were planning to do with the infamous young Russian tycoon, but she heard the front door slam as Natalia left.

Amy reappeared. “Well, she was nice… Adam, time for bed, don’t you think?”

She gestured with her head towards Dylan and Sarah, who were sitting next to each other on the couch, pressed up against the opposite ends.

Adam shot to his feet. “Ah, yes. Goodnight, you two. My fiancée needs me to take her to heaven before we go to sleep.”

He stepped over and kissed Amy, who chuckled.

Amy smiled kindly at Sarah. “Nice to meet you. Don’t be fooled by the Quinlan tough-guy act. Underneath, they’re putty in your hand!”

Adam tickled her. “I sure do love to be in your hand, babe!”

He wrapped her up in his arms and they left, both laughing and in love.

The atmosphere in the living room scrunched up uncomfortably as Sarah realised she was now alone with the former love of her life. She shot to her feet. “I really should get going. My hotel needs me.”

Dylan stood too and held her hand. His touch shot pure lust through her body. She wanted to pull away, but – truthfully – more than that she wanted him to wrap her up in his arms and soothe her all over with his golden caresses.

He gazed into her eyes. “It would be nice to just talk. To find out what you’ve been up to. It really is awesome to see you again, Sarah.”

Sarah smirked. “I know what you mean by ‘just talking’. I’ve fallen for that one before.”

Dylan’s face lit up with a cheeky grin, making Sarah’s insides swoon like a teenager. “I swear, I won’t make the moves on you. Not for at least five minutes anyway.”

Sarah laughed. She’d forgotten how charming he could be. She sat back down, keeping her distance. “Alright, let’s talk. So how are the rest of the family? Your little sister? And your oldest brother – Ivan isn’t it? He was always a good guy.”

Dylan sat down and winced. “Actually, he’s dead.”

“Oh… I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah… And what about your mother?”

Sarah sighed. “Dead.”


They both laughed uncomfortably.

Sarah shrugged. “Ah, we all knew she only had a few years left in her.”

“But you were with her for those last few years. As she would’ve wanted.”

Sarah bit her lip. She couldn’t bear to have that conversation with Dylan right now. “So how did you come to be mixed up with Natalia?”

“She came onto me at a party at Orlov’s house a few weeks ago. I guess I just didn’t say no.”

“Poor you. Unable to resist a beautiful woman.”