“I’ve arranged to meet him for lunch tomorrow,” Dylan said. “If he gets out of bed in time.”

Adam smirked. “And you’ve got that meeting with Orlov in the morning. So it’s a good job he didn’t kill you tonight, huh? Me and Amy will come with you, so you –”

Sarah pulled out her phone. “I need to get back to work. I’ll call a cab.”

Dylan held her hand and smothered her with his alluring gaze. “Please stay for a little longer. Tell your boss something came up.”

“I am the boss. I need to be there.”

“Please, Sarah. Just stay for a little while.” He lowered his face to her ear and whispered. “We need to get our story straight in case Orlov asks questions.”

She wanted to say no. She opened her mouth to say no. But she actually heard herself huffily say, “Oh alright.”

Sarah quickly called the deputy manager to tell him he was in charge until she got back. Then they all went through to the living room, which was as impressive as the rest of the house. It was a large room, cluttered with heavy furniture and Persian rugs. The ornate mirror above the granite fireplace made the room look big, but the low ceiling made Sarah feel squashed. She sank down into the creaking leather couch next to Dylan, pretending to be his wife for the benefit of Natalia. He shot her an affectionate glance – just like the old days – then he reached out and held her hand. She had a flashback to the day she’d met his parents for the first time. She’d loved him then, too, and it had terrified her.

The small talk was strained in front of Natalia, but they managed to chat about Amy and Adam’s wedding plans as well as Orlov’s soccer club. Natalia seemed distracted anyway – she spent most of the hour typing messages on her phone and staring into space.

Eventually, she stood up. “I will go home now. It has been enough time.”

“Oh, but you’re still dressed as a maid,” Sarah said. “Your husband will be suspicious if you go home looking like that.”

“You can change in my room,” Amy said. “I assume your clothes are somewhere?”

“In the suitcase in the hall,” Dylan said.

Natalia’s face remained blank. Sarah realised she hadn’t seen her smile yet.

“Thank you, Amy,” Natalia said. “Then I will call the cab and leave. Goodbye, Dylan. I need to meet with you one more time after this.”

Dylan frowned. “Why? I thought we’d straightened this whole thing out. Me and my wife are getting back together.”

“Yes, I know. But I need to tell you something. We should meet in a public place. Tomorrow at noon, in Leicester Square. Please. It’s impor


“Well, I’d love to, but I’m having lunch with my little brother tomorrow. Can’t we make it the day after?”

“No. it must be tomorrow. I have some information I need to give you.”

“What kind of information?”

“Something you will want to know.”

“Can’t you just tell me now?”

“No. I do not know it yet – I will find it out tomorrow. Bring your brother. My message will only take five minutes to tell. Noon at Leicester Square. Do you accept?”

Dylan shrugged. “Sure, I guess.”

“Good. Thank you for your hospitality.”

“Er… no problem.”

Natalia nodded professionally, then she followed Amy out of the room, to change her clothes.

“That was weird,” Adam said.

Dylan’s brow furrowed. “I wonder what she wants…”