Joseph reached out and massaged Anna’s shoulders. He practically purred into her ear. “Hey, shall we go somewhere more private? Your bed-chamber for example?”

She melted at his touch. “Oh yes… I’d love to show you my bed.”

“Well… I’d love to see it.”

Joseph tugged her hand, but Anna turned to speak to Dylan and Sarah, as if she planned to warn them to stay away from the office.

Joseph interjected by wrapping her in his arms. “Come on, Anna. I need to kiss those gorgeous lips of yours. And everywhere else on your wonderful body.”

“Oh, but I should show your brother back down–”

Anna whooped and squealed as Joseph picked her up in both arms. Sarah could see she was heavier than the women Joseph was accustomed to sweeping off their feet, but he managed to remain unruffled. He kissed her passionately on the lips. “I’m gonna make you come so hard you won’t even be able to remember your own name!”

Anna giggled girlishly, then threw Dylan and Sarah a slightly threatening glance as Joseph carried her off down the corridor. Sarah and Dylan stood there frozen, waiting for the footsteps and laughter to fade.

Sarah unfroze first. “He’s turning into the perfect Quinlan man, isn’t he?”

“What, you mean charming, fun, delightful?”

“Manipulative, dominating, pushy…”

Dylan pulled her into his arms. “I think she’s more than happy to let my brother give her something enjoyable.” He kissed Sarah hard, causing lust to surge through her body. “How about we make our mark in here? Let’s go back to Orlov’s office – you could crawl on the desk on all-fours and I can claim you like a lion.”

She breathed hard, pushing away her arousal. “Dylan… We need to get that safe open before Anna comes back.”

He cupped her chin and gazed into her eyes. “Yeah, okay. We can fuck like animals later.”

Sarah laughed at his one-track mind, then they held hands and sped back down the hallway, where they snuck into the office like a couple of thieves – which was precisely what they intended to be. Sarah watched as Dylan strode over and threw open the antique closet. There was a free-standing steel box inside, about the size of a microwave oven. He ran his hands over it, but it was as impenetrable as a block of wood.

Sarah closed the heavy office door – hopefully ensuring they wouldn’t get caught – then she strode over to join him. “Any ideas of how to crack open a safe?”

“Pity I left my dynamite at home.”

An idea blossomed in Sarah’s mind. “It’s electronic, right? How about if we somehow arranged a power-cut?”

“It’ll be battery powered,” Dylan said. “Otherwise – as you say – one power-cut and it’s useless. I’ve actually got one of these in my office, and it comes with a standard passcode – I wonder if he’d be stupid enough not to change it?”

“Worth a try. Do you remember what the standard passcode is?”

“Yeah,” Dylan said. “I used it for the first three months. I guess I was stupid enough not to change it.”

Sarah watched as Dylan firmly prodded the buttons with his index finger. The keypad consisted of letters and numbers – like a telephone pad – and his selection flashed up on the LED screen as he typed. Dylan pressed the ‘enter’ button. Sarah held her breath.

Nothing happened.

“I know it might be too obvious,” Sarah said. “But what about his mother’s maiden name?”

Dylan’s eyebrows rose at the suggestion. “Good idea. You know what it is?”

“No. But we know a man who can easily find out for us.”

Dylan pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Hi, Joe… yeah, I know so

rry. Listen, can you find out Mrs Orlov’s maiden name? What? No I don’t need her inside leg measurement… Oh, right, very funny. Okay, thanks, buddy.”

Dylan hung up. “Hmm…”

“Well?” Sarah asked.