“God, Adam’s such an asshole.”

Joseph laughed lightly. “I don’t understand your problem, Dylan. You’ve changed so much in, like, twenty-four hours – since you met Sarah. She’s good for you. I’m pleased.”

“I haven’t changed! How have I changed?”

“You’ve lightened up. Just… you seem to be smiling. I was watching you over dinner yesterday – you were sitting there smiling.”

Dylan suppressed his smile now. “I was not.”

“She’s special to you – go on, admit it.”

“Shut up.”

Joseph sipped his coffee. “Dylan, when’s the

last time you told another human being you loved them?”

His mind raced back through the years and alighted on the precise time and date. “I’m not sure, I don’t remember.”

“I know when it was.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah. It was when you said goodbye to Sarah at the airport.”

“Don’t be stupid. You weren’t even there… Were you?”

Joseph’s handsome face lit up with a grin. “No. But I haven’t heard you tell anyone you love them since you and Sarah broke up. Not anyone. Not even mom. But I heard you say it to Sarah once. When she was staying with us. You told her that you loved her more than anything in the world. Obviously you didn’t know I was loitering outside the door at the time. And the way you looked at her when you said it… I could see you meant it.”

“I was just a child. Your age.”

“I’m not a child, Dylan. And I know I’m capable of loving the right woman when she comes along. You closed down after Sarah left. It makes me happy to see you opening up again.”

“You’re very perceptive for a twenty-year-old.”

Joseph smirked. “I’m still nineteen ‘til Thursday.”

Dylan laughed. “You’re a cocky little shit. So much like Adam.”

“You always say that when you know I’m right. But I prefer to think I’m more like Ivan.”

They shared a smile. Dylan picked up his coffee and took a sip, trying to get ahold on all these strange emotions that were sloshing around his body. Had he really just received relationship advice from his kid brother? What the hell was going on?

Joseph pulled him out of his thoughts. “Hey, you can practise on me if you like.”

“Huh, what?”

“Tell me you love me.”

“Joe, come on… stop it.”

Joseph shook his head despairingly. “Why can’t you, Dylan? I’m your brother. And I know you do love me. And I love you too. So what’s the problem?”

“Well, if you know I do, then what’s your problem?” Dylan stood up. “I’d better get Sarah her cup of tea before it goes cold.”

Joseph inspected him with wise eyes. “Dylan, I’ve always looked up to you. But you’re scared of three little words. You might wanna consider why that is – it could change your life.”

“Sheesh, thanks for the advice, Dr Ruth. Come on, get ready. I’ll meet you back down here in an hour.”