He lowered his mouth to her ear; his voice was warm and powerful. “Come on, it’s okay. Relax.”

Sarah tried to control her thumping heart as Dylan drew her jacket down behind her shoulders. She felt as if she might climax right here on the carpet as he reached around and undid the first three buttons of her shirt. Then, totally in command, he pulled back her shirt, revealing her lacy bra – as well as the scar in question – which she’d acquired when she’d fallen out of a tree as a child growing up in London. Sarah closed her eyes, forcing herself to get a grip on her clashing desire. She felt utterly exposed in body and mind. And somehow she loved it. Damn Dylan Quinlan.

Dylan tenderly ran his fingers over the scar. “There, you see? How could I know about it if she was nothing more than a hotel manager to me?”

Sarah’s lust caught in her throat. She braced herself for him to bite her neck – just like the old days – but instead he wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her on the side of the head like a parent. She shuddered with arousal. He was dominating, yet tender. Just as he’d always been.

Mikhail shook his head. “Fine. But you know what, lady? Your husband is screwing Natalia Orlov.”

Dylan chuckled contemptuously. “That’s not true. I don’t know where this rumour started, but we need to quash it right now. So I suggest you go back to Mr Orlov and tell him he was wrong about me and Natalia, okay? You can tell him you met my wife and that Natalia wasn’t with me. Got it?”

Mikhail nodded slowly, still not entirely convinced.

Sarah pulled her shirt back on, then strode towards the bathroom. “If you’re still not sure, why don’t you check in here?” She threw open the bathroom door, and signalled for Natalia to hide behind the shower curtain. Mikhail joined her in the doorway.

“See, no one else was in here. Just me. Hiding in case the staff found me – exactly as Dylan said.”

Mikhail started to walk inside, but Sarah stepped in front of him to block his way. “Now I suggest you leave my hotel before I call the police. How do you think Mr Orlov would feel if one of his henchmen got arrested and the papers found out what a criminal he is? Just as they’ve been speculating ever since he took over Fenchurch United Soccer Club?”

Mikhail turned to Dylan. “Right, I will leave. But if you are suspected of –”

Dylan’s cool demeanour snapped and he leapt at Mikhail, grabbing him by the shirt and throwing him out into the corridor. “You heard my wife – get out now! Or I’ll toss you out the window before Sarah’s even dialled the first number for the cops.”

Mikhail brushed himself down, muttered something in Russian, then strode off towards the elevator. Sarah slammed the door behind him and stepped back into the room. She folded her arms across her chest, refusing to allow Dylan into her heart or mind again. “Alright, what’s going on?”

Natalia strode out of the bathroom. “It’s my fault, Mrs Quinlan. I honestly had no idea Dylan was married.” She turned to Dylan and almost spat at him. “You disgusting cheating dog, how dare you?”

Sarah’s mind unravelled as she tried

to keep up. She refrained from reminding Natalia that she was allegedly cheating on her husband. Instead, she decided to tell her the truth. “Look, Dylan and I aren’t really –”

“Ah, yes,” Dylan said. “Natalia, I’m sorry for the confusion. Sarah and I have been on a break…”

“Yes, rather a lengthy one,” Sarah scoffed.

“But I still love her,” Dylan said. “That’s why I wanted to meet up with you tonight, Natalia. To break it off. To tell you that I’m sorry. I hope you understand.” He transferred his attention to Sarah and appealed to her with a cool expression. “I hope you’ll take me back. Right, Mrs Quinlan?”

Sarah spoke through gritted teeth. “Whatever you say.”

“Thank you.” He gazed deeply into her eyes – connecting with her soul in that gorgeous way of his – then he pulled them both back to reality. “First things first, though. How are we gonna get Natalia out of here? She can’t just walk out. I bet Orlov’s henchmen have got the place surrounded.”

Sarah shrugged. “Not my problem, Dylan. But I’m sure you’ll think of something. I’ve got a hotel to run. Have a nice life.”

With the blood sloshing in her ears, Sarah turned to leave, determined to get back to work and away from this madness.

“Sarah, wait!”

She halted. Don’t look into his eyes, Sarah, that’s how he gets under your skin… But maybe… beyond this door lay life as usual; hectic, bland, unfulfilling. Maybe she wanted Dylan back in her life. Perhaps an adventure might be nice…

He came up behind her again and rested a firm hand on her shoulder, causing her to melt into a pool of lust. “Please…” he said, electrifying her with his dazzling touch.

She turned slowly, feeling the tractor beam of his gorgeous eyes pull her in. She shrugged. “What do you want now?”

He threw her a half-smile. “Have you got a maid’s uniform we can borrow? I think Natalia should wear it.”

Sarah’s passion turned to anger and she raised her hand to slap him. “How dare you involve me in your sordid sex games!”

Dylan caught her wrist. “I don’t want it for sexual titillation! I’ve got an idea of how we can get Natalia out of here.”