“Prostate Cancer Awareness.”

“That’s so awesome you’ve organised this yourself.”

“Well, my band helped. A bit.”

Joseph blew on his coffee. They shared a fraternal smile.

Dylan’s thoughts churned on spin-cycle as he wondered how best to broach the issue of Ivan. “So… what are your plans for today?”

“Not much. I’ve got an assignment due when I go back to college, but other than that… pretty free.”

“Will you come with me and Sarah to Essex?”

Joseph frowned. “Why?”

“There’s someone I want to introduce you to.”

“Oh yeah, who?”

Dylan leaned over and placed his coffee on the glass-topped table. “Joseph, listen, I need to tell you something important.”

Joseph smirked, unable to take his brother’s severe mood seriously. So much like Adam… “Do you?”

“Yeah. Look, brace yourself okay… this is really hard for me to say.”

Realisation dawned on Joseph’s face. “Oh, I think I know what this is about. And it’s okay. I already know.”

“You do?”

He shrugged. “Yeah.”


“I guessed.”

“You guessed?”


“And you don’t mind?”

“Why would I?”

“No… of course, you’d be happy… You’re taking it well.”

“I think it’s great, Dylan. And it’s about time really isn’t it?”

The cogs of Dylan’s brain ground to a screeching halt. “Wait… what are you talking about?”

“You and Sarah. Why, what are you talking about?”

“Er… Joe, why would I be talking about me and Sarah like it was some big secret?”

“Because you’re the most anti-love person I’ve ever met. You’ve even got some stupid bet going with Adam vowing that you’ll never fall in love. It’s a bit sad, if you ask me.”

Anger lurched in Dylan’s chest. “Who told you that?”

“Who do you think?”