“Still can’t make a decent cuppa, I see?” she joked.

He glanced up and smiled. “Sorry, I was miles away.”

“It’s okay. It’s been a bit of a weird afternoon, hasn’t it? You okay?”

“Oh yeah, I’m okay. I’m getting used to people dying all around me.”

Sarah gazed at him with compassionate eyes. Poor kid. “You miss Ivan… he was a good guy.”

Joseph gave the teabag one last squeeze then fished it out with the teaspoon. “He was the best. But life goes on. I just wish… oh, nothing. There’s no point in wishing, is there? It doesn’t change anything.”

Sarah reached out and

grasped his arm affectionately. “I know how painful it is, Joseph, I really do. But – and it’s cliché, I know – but time will take the sting away. It won’t always feel this bad. I promise.”

Joseph smiled sadly. “Thank you, Sarah – I know I’m not the only one who’s been through this.”

Sarah opened her mouth to share her own losses, but Dylan strode back into the room. “Good news – everyone’s alive.”

Sarah poured a splash of milk into her tea. “Why wouldn’t they be, Dylan?”

He leaned against the marble counter. “I got a phone call during my police interview. They told me not to repeat what Natalia said to me when she died, or they’d exact revenge on my family. One by one.”

Joseph’s mouth dropped open. “What!”

“Don’t worry, kiddo, I didn’t tell the police anything.”

Sarah’s anxiety sputtered into life. “Did you tell them what happened last night, though? I did. I mean, I didn’t think it would be a problem. Your lawyer said it was okay to tell them that.”

“I told them the truth,” Dylan said. “But I get the feeling that detective thinks I had something to do with what happened, so I need to make sure I clear my name. I don’t trust the police.”

“What did Natalia say to you before she died?” Sarah asked. “You can tell me and Joseph, surely?”

Dylan rubbed his forehead wearily. “She said ‘Orlov will use Grafton Techs to create a war between Russia and America. He knows about Ivan… Long live the rebels.’”

Joseph stood tall, ready to fight. “What do they know about Ivan? That he’s dead? It’s hardly a secret, is it?”

“No… I know.”

“So what did they mean?” Sarah asked, stifling a yawn. “Oh sorry… What a day.”

Dylan put his arm around her and pulled her close. “It’s okay. It’s been a pretty traumatic afternoon, huh?” He transferred his attention to Joseph, “Hey, you got a gig tonight?”

“No, we’re not playing again now until my birthday.”

“So you’re coming to Adam and Amy’s party?”

“I don’t really feel like it after today. But I am staying with Adam and Amy, so it would be rude to just stay in my room. Are you going?”

“Yeah, me and Sarah are going.”

Sarah eased herself out of his arms. “I didn’t agree to that, Dylan.”

“No, but I don’t want you out of my sight. Nor you, Joseph. We’re in this together now.”

“Nothing’s gonna happen to me,” Joseph said. “I can take care of myself.”

“Yeah, well I think we should keep an eye on each other. Just in case.”