“This is Amy Carter,” Dylan said. “She’s the Grafton Techs ops director. She’s based in the US, but if you sign the sponsorship deal with us, she’ll be the one you’ll liaise with.”

He leered at Amy. “I look very forward to working with you, Ms Carter.”

Dylan saw Adam tense possessively. There was something about Orlov’s tone that suggested by ‘working’, he meant ‘fucking’. Amy was a hard businesswoman, but she threw Orlov a smirk – unable to resist the captivating twinkle in his eye.

Dylan and Orlov sat down at the board table, and Dylan opened his iPad. He pushed away his arousal as his mind churned up a memory of Sarah. How he’d love to fuck her right now. Bend her over the board table. Thrust his cock into her tight little body until she came hard. Hear her calling his name as he ground deeply into her wet pussy…

Amy’s voice pulled him back to the here and now. “….And Grafton Techs has always strived to be competitive in the market. This is why Quinlan Brothers were so keen to acquire us in the first place.”

Orlov waved his hand dismissively. “Yes, yes, all sounds good. I think I will go with this deal.”

Dylan suppressed his irritation at Orlov’s dismissiveness. Quinlan Brothers was about to give his soccer club millions of dollars in revenue, and he was treating it as if he was choosing a dessert.

“Send the contracts to my office,” Orlov said. “And I will sign.”

“That’s great, Mr Orlov,” Amy said. “I’m looking forward to Grafton Techs and Fenchurch United becoming friends.”

“Oh no, Ms Carter,” Orlov said. “I do not do business to become friends. I do business to keep my enemies close.” He stood up and glared at Dylan. “No more screwing my wife, please.”

Amy stood and tried to placate him. “Mr Orlov, I’m not sure –”

“I’ll see myself out,” he said. Then he turned and strode out of the boardroom.


“Jesus,” Adam said. “You’d never guess we were about to give him millions of dollars, would you?”

“What an asshole,” Dylan said. “I told him I didn’t sleep with his wife. Why won’t he take my word for it?”

Amy frowned. “Because it’s not true?”

Dylan smirked. “Yeah. Well, I’m not doing it again.”

“Not unless you want another knife-wielding visit from Mikhail,” Adam said.

Amy rested her hand on Adam’s arm. “That’s not it, baby. It’s because he’s been reunited with Sarah.”

Dylan scoffed. “Amy, you’re seriously deluded if you think I’m gonna stop fucking beautiful women just because some old flame’s thrust herself back into my life.”

Amy laughed. Then she gazed dreamily at Adam. “Baby, remember the bet you made with your brother a few months ago? That he’d find love in London? I wonder if perhaps Dylan is about to be lighter by ten grand.”

Dylan stood up, keen to escape this nonsense. “Bullshit. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a contract to prepare for our Russian friend. Then I’m meeting Joey for lunch.”

“Oh, Dylan,” Amy called over, “I’m organising a last-minute engagement party tonight for anyone who can make it. It’s just at our place. Joseph’s said he’s coming – why don’t you come along?”

Dylan halted in the doorway and threw her a supportive smile. “Sure, Amy, I’d love to.”

She grinned. “Great. And why don’t you bring a date? How about… maybe… Sarah?”

Chapter Six

It was inconceivable to Dylan – as he breezed into the hotel lobby now – that less than twenty-four hours ago he’d arrived here with Natalia, feeling gloomy and out-of-sorts. His gloominess had largely been because he’d known he’d needed to break off their affair, but – truthfully – he’d been plagued by a background radiation of gloominess for years. Ever since Sarah had left him stranded at the desolate departure lounge in fact.

But this morning he was feeling on top of the world – he’d handled Orlov perfectly in the meeting back there, and now he was going to celebrate by reclaiming the woman who’d owned his heart for so long.

The lobby of Sarah’s hotel was spectacular, with its shiny marble floor, works of priceless art, and expensive furnishings. It was like a museum and gallery combined. Dylan was proud of her for attaining the position of General Manager at this luxury establishment so young. She’d clearly worked hard for such success, and this knowledge eased his guilt and sadness about the way things had ended between them after college.

Last night when Dylan had arrived with Natalia, this lobby had been crammed full of people, but it was fairly peaceful at moment – there were a couple of suited women chatting on one of the massive couches under an elaborate tapestry, and a few tourists were waiting with their luggage by an engraved marble pillar. He glanced around for Sarah, but he couldn’t see her, so he approached the immaculately-groomed young woman behind the lavish reception desk.