He gave no warning, covered my mouth with his, angling my head to deepen his thrust.
His tongue opened my mouth, slid inside as a hand cupped my bottom under my t-shirt, twisting the fabric of my panties as if they offended him.
He pulled, the friction rubbing against my clit and I gasped, spreading my legs and rising on my tiptoes for relief.
Andrei laughed softly against my mouth, pushed fabric aside and caressed up and down my slit, deepening his kiss, biting my bottom lip as he rubbed my clit.
I moaned, my body responding as it always did with him; instantly, a match he lit with a few touches.
“You’re wet,” he said, voice deep and amused. “From just a kiss? Or have you been thinking of me?”
A question I’d refuse to answer. Of course I’d been thinking of him; it was part of the reason I hadn’t been able to sleep. My fantasies featured more than innocent cuddling.
“Tell me, consort. Tell me why you followed me out here tonight.” He cupped me between the legs, a crudely possessive grip. “Was it to comfort me, or because you’ve tired of your empty bed?”
I opened my eyes, met a gaze burning with lust, craving, edged in the darkness he struggled to manage.
“I wanted to comfort you,” I managed.
“And what more? Tell me the truth.”
There was an “or else” in his voice. “I wanted you to hold me.”
Andrei lifted a quizzical brow, oozing arrogance. “Holdyou? Is that what you were imagining? Something so sweet?” He slid a finger into my pussy without warning. “When I know you’re not. Not the way humans understand the word.”
I cried out; the penetration hadn’t been gentle. The touch made clear his intent to bring me to a quick, brutal climax without any of the accompanying wooing that allowed me to pretend I was here for anything romantic or soulful.
No, I was here to be claimed.
“You aren’t sweet at all, little mortal. Your quiet forest is filled with pits disguised by blankets of pretty flowers. The unwary misstep and impale themselves on your spikes.” He chuckled, and brushed his lips on my ear. “Do you want to know a secret, Hasannah?”
A second finger joined the first, plunging deep inside me.
“I’ll tell you anyway,” he said.
My body wasn’t quite ready. I was slick, but tight and he scissored his fingers, spiraling them inside me, then pressed his thumb against my clit.
“I’ve seen your kind before, fluttering little caged bird. I've seen what happens when the bird escapes their confines. Witnessed the blood and destruction in the wake of that flight.”
The hairs on my skin rose, and not only from desire.
“All you need is time and experience, and the taste of power, Anah. All you need—” I moaned as he continued to stroke inside me “—is a catalyst. The first time someone gets in your way. . .Iam going to sit back and eat the popped corn while I watch. It’ll be entertaining.”
“My sister can give you pointers. She’s excellent at blood sport. And like you, Miahela sheds sparkling tears that mislead the stupid right onto. Those. Lovely. Spikes.”
“I’m not like that.”
My breathing was ragged, my attention wavering between the torment between my legs, and his words.
“I know you. You are exactly like that. But. . .stay within my protection, my Anah, and I’ll protect you even from yourself. But you must learn obedience. Recklessness is no friend to survival.”
An orgasm pealed through me. I choked, would have bit my lip if he hadn’t captured it.
When he drew away, he whispered, “A woman who only wants to behelddoesn’t shatter so eagerly in her lover’s arms.”