I jerked my head up, staring into his eyes, my heart pounding as I pressed said thighs together, damn this fabric. Damn him.
“Collar Renaud, Raniel,” I hissed. “Hecannotcome out to play tonight. You’re too unstable.”
His lifted a brow, expression bland. On his forehead, his sapphire pulsed in time to the throbbing in my clit. Facing the open doors again, I corralled my wandering thoughts, his soft laughter caressing my spine. Attention turned to us as we entered.
I’d refused a circlet, so Raniel had ordered my forehead bound in so many strands of silver that it didn’t matter. My eyes were done in the Avallonnian-Ninephene style of heavy eyeliner and smoked shadows. I’d refused lipstick. It hadn’t been the smudge proof kind, and I’d suspected that was on purpose. He’d probably planned to kiss me tonight, and when he pulled away his mouth would be stained in scarlet—in front of my family. In front of Numair. A reverse brand, my mark on his pale gold skin.
“Besides,” I added, “you would never allow another male to taste me.”
“For my consort’s pleasure,” was the smooth, dark reply, “I might. I am jealous only of your heart, your submission, your mind, and your womb.”
Oh, yes,only.
“Everything else is. . .possibly open to negotiation. We will live a very, very long time. I would not have you grow bored.”
I gave him a side long glance. Who did he think he was fooling? He might tease me with my fantasy of being fucked by a group of hot, horny High Fae while he watched, but he would never follow through and allow it.
“Your aspects agree to that?” My tone defined skepticism, the way Fae males in heat defined ‘touch her and die’.
“Not entirely, no, but we will not always be driven by the mating instincts.” He didn’t sound pleased. None of him liked the lack of control.
My nails dug into his wrist where my hand rested on his arm. “I won’t share anything of you with anyone.”
“Then it pleases me, my halfling, to serve only you, in every way.”
The courtiers approached, and I put on my game face.
I’d been practicing.
“Nyawira,” my father said, the first to approach from the milling crowd.
He paused, offering the Prince a deep, elegant bow, rising with his habitual friendly mask. Strain bracketed the corners of his eyes, his mouth tighter than normal. He didn't look at Raniel any longer than the obeisance required.
“Baba,” I said softly, understanding his struggle. He was Lord Regent of House Faronne, but he was also my father.
Raniel released my arm, permission for me to go to my father, which I did.
Baba drew me in his arms, pressing a kiss on my forehead. “Are you well?”
I wound my arms around his back and looked up at him, smiling. “I'm fine, Baba. I miss you, but I'll be home soon. After Raniel. . .”
I glanced over my shoulder. My bonded had drifted away several feet and was now surrounded by various Lords, but I suffered from no delusion. He was listening, if not physically then mentally.
“After Raniel is feeling more settled.”
“May you find joy in your bond.” The words were correct, but his voice was a touch too tight. “I would have come see you, but permission was denied.”
I winced. “It's better everyone stays away right now. We're mostly keeping to ourselves. I'm sure you recall how the High Fae are. Maman was not notably lax regarding her claim.”
Baba sighed. “I understand, and managing her was challenging. She was both a bonding Fae female and a High Lord.” Which meant she'd been submissive but dangerously territorial, with the power to back it up. “I wouldbe happy for you were it not for—” he closed his mouth, pressing his lips firm.
“I know we'll have to talk about that, at length. And in time perhaps you and Raniel can come to terms.” I hesitated, navigating the line between truth and opinion. “I believe he loves you in his own way, Baba. He treats you. . .familiarly.”
If I cast my mind back and recalled the times Renaud had interacted with Baba, it had always been with solemn courtesy, and touches of humility.
“Princess Aerinne,” Raniel said, and I turned. He held out an arm. “Lord Étienne. Join me.” I took Raniel's arm when we drew close.