He punished me with sweetness.
Laying me down on the bed, he renewed his gentle seduction of my body. Laved his tongue on my skin, suckled at my breasts. Drove me to peak after peak with his fingersas I shook with impatience, with need for fang, and blood, and cruelty, and his hand around my throat.
He denied me all of it.
He forced me to submit to his gentleness, to float in the mindless pleasure he chose to give.
There were no bones left in my body. My mind was. . .gone.
I blinked, staring down at him. My hands rested on his chest, my thighs straddling his waist as he lay beneath me. A smug, knowing smile curled his mouth as he gripped my hips.
“Come up here,” Raniel said, his voice mellifluous. He wielded pitch and syllables like weapons, just one in his arsenal.
I obeyed, I could do nothing but obey, and shimmied up until my open thighs draped above his face.
He tasted, rubbing my clit, and I submitted to the pleasure. He released me with a thoughtful expression. “Youarebeing my good girl. I must reward you soon or you will think me a tyrant.”
“I don't want a reward.” He’d reduced me to a pouting, needy child.
Raniel slapped my right ass cheek, real strength behind the blow. I gasped at the sting.
“Are you certain you don't want my reward?” He bit the inside of my thigh.
“N—no, I mean yes. Yes, my Lord. I want your reward.”
Again. Spank me again.
“Ihavebeen a touch cruel, haven't I, little Darkling? Very well. . .a small reward, then.”
The crack of palm against skin rang out, once, twice. And then a blistering succession as Raniel gave me four fingers to fuck, his thumb pressed against my clit as he spanked me. I rode him frantically, adding extra bounce to my breasts in encouragement.
I shuddered, arching my back, grabbing his shoulders as he allowed me the taste of agony. He reared up, abs clenching, and took my nipple in his mouth.
Fangs pierced flesh.
I screamed, collapsing. When the haze dissipated, Raniel regarded me with blood-stained lips and an indulgent expression, one arm cradling me against his chest as his other hand massaged my ass.
“Turn around, Aerinne. You may make me come, if you can.”
I just barely avoided kicking him in my haste to turn and bend over his body. Though truthfully, I wouldn't care if my heel accidentally on purpose crashed against his jaw. He deserved it.
He was doing it on purpose. The more he stroked me, the more approval he offered, the tighter he bound me to him. Deep inside I was still a little girl who looked up to her island Lord, her mentor.
This bastard wouldn't allow me to keep even a little of my soul for myself.
I didn't care, taking his cock deep into my throat, wrapping my hand around the base. I moaned deeply as his tongue opened my body, delving deep inside as he pressed his face flush to my pussy and fucked me. I moved my head up and down, hollowing my cheeks, whirling my tongue around his throbbing, hot length, taking extra care at the satin tip.
He groaned, a deep, harsh noise which at first he cut off, trying to maintain control. I gripped his base, massaging his sacks with my free hand, and moved up and down faster, increasing the pressure, tasting the fragile slit at his head as he dripped cream.
Raniel cursed. Though I didn't recognize the words I recognized the tone, his fingers rubbing furiously on my clit as his tongue savaged me. I rubbed against him, meeting his thrusts, determined to make him spill.
All of that baby making seed going to waste.
I screamed around his cock, climaxing, and he snarled as he followed me to his own peak, his hips pistoning with fury. He grabbed my head and pushed my face into him, hot seed spurting down my throat as I suffocated, choking on cock and come.