Page 72 of Heir to His Court



“Perhaps the knowledge has been lost to time, to everything but myth and weak, ephemeral memory. She inspired the original tales of Demeter and Persephone.”

Now my heart beat with more than dread.

“Her power was over death. During her youth, Juhainah spawned monsters—zombies of a kind, if you will—shadows that destroyed everything they touched. My mother, Juhainah's almost human granddaughter, stood against them. It is what brought her to my father’s attention. But where there is death there is also life.”

He watched my face so carefully, his body tense with strength, coiled with power. As if he was waiting for the moment I realized the entirety of his intent.

As if he was waiting for a fight.

“My mother birthed forty children in her 25,000-year marriage to my father, Aerinne, though he made her stop after the disaster of my birth. Every child was wanted. Every child was intended.” Renaud settled his free palm against my stomach.

“Renaud. Whatever thefuckyou have in mind, the answer is unequivocally—”

He cut me off with a savage kiss. It involved teeth, and tongue, and blood and desire. A tidal wave of desire I was helpless beneath, as I was helpless underneath the body of this High Fae.

If he chose to force this on me, I would not be able to stop him.

“I inherited just enough of my mother’s power over life,” he whispered. “I can ensure you conceive my Heir.”

I spoke slowly, spacing the words because he was insane, and I had to be completely certain he understood me. “I don't want children. I do not want a baby, Renaud.”

“No more than I wanted the death of my only son. A life for a life. This is my judgment. There is no other way for you to pay the debt.”

“You killed—”

“It was an accident. It is not the same.”

“Choose any other price. Any other price, Renaud.” I opened my eyes, staring at him wide and unblinking.

His lips brushed my cheek. His voice soft, gentle, vicious. “No.”

Raniel! General! Darkan!

I reached for his other aspects. For one, or all. If one of them could take over, or if they all merged, I could buy some time.

“You can call, Aerinne, but none will answer.”

Laughter. Stray sibilant notes that floated in the air and the sudden onslaught of dense shadows. I was no longer on a bed, no longer held down.

I turned, heart beating frantically as I attempted to see through the utter darkness. Grimly, I drew upon my strength in order to calm, reminding myself that I, too, was of Juhainah’s bloodline.

General? Darkan?Damnit damnit damnit.Raniel.

“Noneof them. We are in agreement, that I will have the final say in your fate.”

The General had made it sound like he was in agreement with his aspects on nothing. He hadn't spoken as if he had much respect for Raniel. I wasn't sure how he viewed Darkan.

This relationship was becoming more complicated than I could handle.

“Why would they allow that?” I asked, stalling my inevitable messy death.

“Because I assured them that if they did not allow me to handle this matter of my own son, I would destroy us all.”

“And you have the power to do it, of course.”