Abruptly I woke to a pale face staring down at me, eyes brilliant and blue. The black armor was gone, and when I touched my fingertips to my neck, so was the gold torque. He wore his customary blousy white shirt and fitted black pants.But the look in his eyes. . .
What would he do if I tried to run? What would he do if I tried to attack? So I lay still.
“They tell me,” he said, words soft with venom. “That I may not kill you. They remind me that I did not desire your death.”
Definitely Renaud.
I launched myself off the bed. “General!”
Just like he’d predicted, damn him. Calling him to take control because I was afraid Renaud would actually, actually, kill me this time.
“Try again.” He lunged forward as I tapped into my Skill and tried to throw myself out of his reach.“Oh, you will have to be much, much faster, halfling.”
He grabbed my arms, pressing me into the bed and lowering the weight of his muscled body against mine.
Remain calm, Aerinne,Darkan said, his mental voice thin, strained.We are. . .attempting to control him.
You remain calm! Your rogue personality isn’t trying to killyou!
It is not death he has in mind.
I tried, even when he wrapped his claw tipped hands around my upper arms and dragged me back down.
He nuzzled my neck, a feral thing with glowing eyes. Was it to find a vein to crack open, or was it meant to be affectionate? I couldn’t get a read on his mood, other than pissed, of course.
Extremely pissed.
“Are you going to kill me?” I asked. I’d rather just get everything out in the open.
“Do you plead for mercy, Aerinne?”
Bastard. “Ask Threnvanne Sanyelle.”
Renaud curled his upper lip, eyes glinting. “Myson. How could you?”
The words, the look in his eyes, eviscerated me. I felt. . .small. Loathsome. “How could you kill my mother?”
“It was not intended.”
“Likewise, Prince.” I didn’t move when his hand circled my neck, applying pressure. Let him squeeze. Let him choke off my life. Let him end this, end us, end our entwined, eternal suffering.
“Not likewise. Not at all likewise.”
I hated us both. Hated his eyes. “I know. I’m sorry, Renaud. I am so sorry.” I turned my head away as much as he would allow.
The Prince closed his eyes. “I cannot forgive you. But I can replace the memory. I can replace him—you will help me.”
What in the Realms. . . “What? Run that one by me again.”
He lifted his head. “My price for your life. My price for Embriel’s.”
My heart thudded with dread. “What is the price if not my life?” How could I fill a life debt? It wasn’t some simple service he had in mind, I was certain.
“Do you know why my mother is called Gravvanne?”