Anselm snorted out a laugh, unable to contain himself.

Kayla elbowed him sharply in his side. “Stop it! You princes are all the same.”

The room went quiet, and I looked the human dead in the eye, my tone terse. “I’m not a prince. Never was.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Kayla said, glancing around the room, realizing her mistake. “I didn’t mean...”

“It’s fine sweetheart,” Anselm said smoothly, gripping his wife’s hand and glaring at me. “Jaegar wasn’t born of the queen, but he has royal blood, which means his appetites are... healthy. You weren’t wrong, my love, and there’s no need to be sorry just because Jaegar is struggling with his identity. Is there, Jaegar?”

The chill that came over the room was notable, and I couldn’t help but smile at the crown prince of Bravadok. That stare would have cowered many a man. But unfortunately for him, that wasn’t me. I glanced across at Kayla and noticed the tears swimming in her eyes. That was what broke me. “I’m sorry, Kayla. Please forgive me for snapping at you. As the queen said, there are a lot of emotions here today.”

Kayla flapped a hand at her face to banish her tears and prevent them from falling. “Oh, it’s fine. Don’t mind me. I’m just a bit emotional, that’s all.”

Anselm pulled his wife to his side and kissed her face.

She hugged her baby son to her chest, and a powerful arrow of understanding struck me straight in the heart. They were a family. A true,lovingfamily. This wasn’t a kingdom filled with arranged marriages and cold indifference.

There was so much love in this room, I was struggling not to crack and make a run for it again. “Forgiven?” I asked, my throat thick again.

“Oh, of course,” Kayla repeated. “Now, keep telling us about the woman you were dreaming about before I rudely interrupted. I used to dream about Anselm too, before we met, and then long after, of course.”

I shifted on my seat. That was what I was afraid of.

“Do you have a fated mate also?” Theo asked. “Dad’s told us about them, and Iain said he dreamed of Veronica too. Isn’t that right, Dad? It’s a sign of a fated mate?”

Everyone turned toward King Damon, and the man nodded, not taking his eyes off me. “Yes. You’re... what? Thirty-two, thirty-three, Jaegar? Without your mate you must be becoming frustrated.”

“If that’s what you want to call it,” I answered, trying my best to keep my grouchy tone even.

“My father told us once that he was going half insane with loneliness before Marienne helped him find Mother. Perhaps she could also help you?” offered Anselm.

“Marienne?” I repeated. “The Queen of the Black Mountains?”

The queen stood up, slipping her hand into her husband’s elbow crook. “Yes, Marienne, and her son, Anthony, have magic that helps them see the future. She told Stavrok that Damon and I were meant to be. Perhaps...” She glanced up at her husband. “You should come with us to the Kingdom of Bravadok in a few days. It is the triplets’ thirtieth birthday, and everyone will be there. If your mate is among the nobility, she’ll be present.”

Everyone? As in all the kingdom’s kings, queens, princes and princesses?

Oh, hell no.

I forced a smile on my face and shook my head. “Oh, I don’t think—”

“Yes,” the king said, cutting me off before I could finish. “That’s a great idea, Cass. Marienne will be there, and she can help you, Jaegar.”


“You must come,” Anselm said, standing up. “It is my birthday after all, cousin. I invite you.”

I stared at the prince in front of me. Even my finest clothes would be considered rags to him. Surely, he didn’t expect me to turn up at a party as the poor relation? “I can’t,” I said again. “I’m not family, and I wouldn’t have a thing to wear to a party of that magnitude.”

Kayla smiled at me sweetly. “I hate to tell you this, Jaegar, but youarefamily now. There’s no point fighting it. Trust me, you won’t win. These guys don’t let you go once they’ve got you. Believe me, I’ve been there.”

I got to my feet this time and gestured to my body. “Look, I appreciate the offer, but I cannot attend a royal party like this. I would not shame myself or bring dishonor to your family.”

“Of course, you can attend,” Anselm said. “Like Kayla said, you’re not getting away from us now, not to mention that my sisters would kill me if I didn’t bring you.”

Kayla squeezed her husband’s arm. “You look a similar size,” she said observantly. “Perhaps Jaegar can borrow some clothes, honey?”

Anselm blinked at his wife, then at me. “Oh! Of course. If that’s what you’re worried about. I have—”