So that gave her a new goal. Not only would she try and find out if she was human, she was also going to make darn sure she didn't get close to Lucas.

"I did okay," Kylie lied again.

"I don't believe you, but let's let that slide for now." Miranda looked away. "Cute vampire dude on the left," she whispered, total y changing the conversation.


"The blond wearing a footbal jersey," Miranda whispered again. "What I wouldn't give to hook up with him."

"I thought you didn't like vampires."

"I never said that. And if I did, it wouldn't apply to the male vampires, anyway."

Kylie couldn't have cared less about a cute vampire, and the last place she wanted her mind to go right now was to thoughts about hooking up with any guy, but her gaze moved to the left on its own accord. No one was there. "Where?"

"Over there." Miranda nodded in the opposite direction.

"You mean right," Kylie corrected. "Not left."

"Right, left. I always get them messed up. I'm dyslexic, remember? But he's a cutie. Maybe I'l get his name in the Meet Your Campmates session today."

The blond guy stood chatting with a group of other boys. Kylie remembered seeing him, but couldn't remember his name. His stature and overal appearance reminded her of Perry, who was not Kylie's type. Especial y after what happened last night.

"Are you real y okay?" Miranda asked after they passed the group of boys. "You looked out of it last night. Your aura went al freaky."

"I'm fine." And then because she didn't want to talk about last night, she asked, "Are you real y dyslexic?"

Miranda didn't answer right away. "Yeah. And according to my family, you'd think it's something I asked for." Her tone had lost the giddiness that seemed constant in her voice.

"So is your family al witches?"

"Yeah, but my mom can be a bitch, as wel ."

"Aren't al moms?" Kylie asked.

"Maybe." Miranda sighed. "Not that I real y blame her. I've sort of let the family down, big time."

"How's that?" Kylie asked.

"I was destined to be the High Priestess next in line. But before I can be given the title, I have to pass some tests. And tests and I just don't get along. So my family could lose their place in the coven if I can't come through."

"Why does it have to be you? Why can't one of them step up to the plate?"

Miranda sighed. "It doesn't work that way. It's me or the honor goes to Britney Jones."

"Wow, talk about keeping up with the Joneses." Kylie gave the joke a stab, hoping to make Miranda feel better.

"Yeah." Miranda's tone implied the joke fel short.

"Sorry," Kylie said. "So what would it take for you to pass the tests?"

"Only to overcome dyslexia. Which is basical y impossible," Miranda said. "Ohh, ohh, look to your left-I mean your right. Your purring breastloving kitten is here. And he's blushing. You know, it has to be terrible on his ego to have been tossed out on his ass by you."

"I hope so." Kylie spotted Perry, and he did appear rather red-faced.


"You didn't tel Holiday about him, did you?" Miranda sounded concerned. The girl obviously had a soft spot for the twerp.

"No." Kylie frowned. "But I might if he does it again." She didn't know if Perry had super hearing, but she hoped so. They were almost to the dining hal , just past the camp office, when the two black suits from yesterday came barreling out of the door. Kylie slowed down and studied their body language. They weren't happy. Watching them hotfoot it to the parking lot, Kylie couldn't help but hope that their little visit today had to do with the closing of the camp.

Right then, the bigger of the guys stopped and swung around. He stood frozen in one spot, staring and twitching his brows at her. He leaned down and whispered something to the other man and then they started forward. Right toward Kylie. Crappers.

Chapter Sixteen

Kylie felt like a trapped animal in the Black Suit's snare.

Dad-blast it. Why was everyone picking on her?

Better question, what in Hades could they want with her? She wasn't even a card-carrying supernatural person yet. And she hoped she got tossed out of the club before she got rubber-stamped.

Lucky for her, at about twenty feet away, the big guy's phone rang. He paused and answered it. Then he turned to his partner and said something and they both shot off.

She let out a held breath. "Thank God."

"What?" Miranda asked, and studied her in confusion.

Remembering that Miranda wasn't a first-timer, she asked, "Who are they?" She nodded to the retreating black-suited men who were now getting into a black sedan.

"Who?" Miranda asked, staring at another group of boys.

"The Black Suits?" Kylie asked.

"Gross, they are way too old for you." Miranda pul ed a hair band from her pocket and put her multicolored hair up in a ponytail. Kylie shot her roommate a glance. Honestly, were boys the only things Miranda ever thought about?

"I'm not interested in hooking up," Kylie said, and started walking again. "I'm just curious."

"Oh. They're from the FRU." Miranda fel into step beside her.

"And who are they?" Kylie asked.

"It stands for the Fal en Research Unit. You know, like Fal en, Texas? The city we passed through to get here? The FRU is basical y a part of the FBI. The part that deals with supernaturals."

"What?" Kylie stopped and grabbed Miranda by the arm. "You mean, the government knows about vampires and such?"

Miranda made a face. "Of course they do. Who do you think funds the camp?"

"I thought our parents did." Kylie started moving again when she noticed a couple of people staring at them.

"Wel , they pay some, but it takes a lot more to keep this place up."

"But why is the government behind this?"

"Wel , that depends on who you ask. The camp has caused a lot of controversy in the supernatural community. Mostly just a lot of bigots mouthing off, if you ask me."

"What do you mean?"

"Some of the elders in each species, mostly old farts who don't believe in interracial relationships, claim the camp encourages it and they want the camp closed down. To their way of thinking, each species should stick to their own kind. To me, it's the same thing as race. They say we should maintain the purity of the species, but that's a bunch of bul . The species have been crossing since the beginning of time."