Page 57 of Blood Feast

“What did you learn?” Cassia asked.

Kumeta pursed her lips. “I take it you are already informed of the current political situation between the Order of Anthros and the Order of Hypnos?”

“Yes,” Lio replied, “it’s notable that the Order of Hypnos has yet to intervene in the war.”

“Very odd,” Lyros agreed, “considering their history of being both rivals and allies of the Order of Anthros. It is unlike the Order of Hypnos to let their brother mages in service to Anthros burn Hesperines without competing for our heads.”

“I think the Collector is behind it,” Cassia said. “We know the Old Masters are pulling the strings of all the mages, but especially the necromancers in the Order of Hypnos. Kallikrates must have called them off. He even holds the Gift Collectors back because a war between us and the war mages is part of his plan.”

“Until now.” Basir’s aura was grave. “The Order of Hypnos has finally put out new bounties on Hesperines, and every Gift Collector from Corona to Martyr’s Pass is racing to claim the reward.”

“Who have they put bounties on?” Mak demanded. “Not the Blood Errant again?”

Basir shook his head. “Only two bounties—on Lio and Cassia.”

“I suggest you take this as a badge of honor,” said Kumeta.

Cassia’s hands coiled into her fists. “Good. That means he feels threatened by us.”

Lio’s magic flashed in their Union, and his arm tightened around her. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

She looked up at him. “I won’t let anything happen to you, either. We’ll face whatever comes—with our Trial brothers.”

“That’s right,” Make said. “Your newgift has the best protection from Corona to Martyr’s Pass, too.”

“Thank you for the warning,” Lyros told the envoys. “That will help us prepare.”

Basir inclined his head. “We must report to our prince.”

“And make time for a dance before we go.” Kumeta slid her hand in his and accompanied him out of the courtyard.

His expression unusually grave, Mak looked to his Grace. Lyros paused, then gave a tight nod.

Mak didn’t drop his veils. “We have one more avowal gift for you. Step to us at midveil, and we’ll show it to you. Leave Knight with Zoe. You two should come alone.”

The moonless sky feltheavy to Cassia when Lio stepped them to their Trial brothers later that night. Mak and Lyros awaited them on a cliff’s edge overlooking the sea, shrouded in veils worthy of a secret council, not a party. She had never seen Mak so solemn.

Cassia glanced at the nearby sculpture of Nike. What were they doing out here on the grounds of House Komnena, holding a clandestine meeting near the Blood Errant’s memorial statues?

Lio frowned. “The Vigil of Mercy isn’t until tomorrow night. I thought that’s when we were planning to pay our respects at Prometheus’s memorial.”

Cassia smiled at Mak. “No one keeps Vigil at your sister’s statue anymore. Not when we can talk to the real Nike.”

“That’s why we’re here,” Lyros said. “No one will follow us.”

“I take full responsibility for this gift—” Mak began.

“We’ve talked about this,” Lyros cut in. “You know I wouldn’t have helped you unless I was prepared to shoulder equal blame.”

“Be that as it may, I started this.” Mak took a deep breath. “Lio, Cassia, this is one time when you must not worry about dishonoring a gift. You deserve to know what I’m offering you, and you have the right to refuse.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked. “Of course we would treasure any gift from you.”

“This one is illegal,” Mak said.

A moment of silence hung between them all.

He can’t mean that the way it sounds,Cassia protested silently.He would never break the law. He is too committed to the Stand.