Uncle Argyros held up a hand. “We must wait for the Stand’s signal.”
Down in the pass, five figures in black battle robes materialized out of the billowing snow. The Guardian of Orthros and the four Stewards moved in on the heart hunters.
Crossbow bolts ricocheted off Alkaios and Nephalea’s wards. Kadi drew off the liegehounds with a trail of her blood, levitating and stepping with expert precision to dodge their leaps and bites.
Nike and Lyta swept through the warband in the blink of an eye. But now Cassia could perceive their every graceful blow. They moved in a tandem they must have practiced to perfection over their centuries in the arena. Crossbows broke in their grasp, then bones.
But the heart hunters kept fighting. They dodged the fleet immortals’ attacks with eerie speed. When one of their fists landed on Nike’s jaw, Cassia realized just how much preternatural strength the Collector could give his puppets.
The sight of the Collector laying a hand on Nike filled Cassia with anger.
Why must channeling be so much harder away from the letting site?she fumed.
It feels hard now because it’s new,Lio reassured her, but you will master it. Remember, it comes naturally to you.
Her gaze darted to the few twisted pines that clung to the mountain slopes.There is life in this soil. I will reach it!
Dark shapes swooped over the ravine. Vultures, already circling in anticipation of death.
Cassia’s anger rose higher. She threw her senses as far as she could with all her might, a silent yell into the chasm. It only rebounded back on her, making her sway on her feet.
Easy.Lio’s voice steadied her.Trust the Stand to hold them off. You have time to form your spell. Concentrate on your technique.
She shut her eyes and tried to slow down, to focus.
Her concentration broke at the scratch of claws on stone. Knight growled. Her eyes flew open.
The six vultures had landed in a half circle in front of her and Uncle Argyros. Before Cassia’s eyes, they transformed into men wearing white furs and armed with battle axes.
“Changers,” she spat.How dare he use Lustra magic against me!
He’ll never guess you still have yours. You have the advantage of surprise.
If I can use it!
Six clean strikes of thelemancy arced from Uncle Argyros’s aura and slammed into the heart hunters.
Their heads snapped back, but they did not fall. Their lips parted, and with the same voice, they spoke in unison.
“Cassia,” the Collector lamented. “I crafted you so perfectly. The Hesperines have ruined you.”
“I’ll ruin you,” she snarled.
“Back up until you’re inside the ward.” Uncle Argyros’s fangs showed. “He’s fighting to hold these men. It will take time to drive him out.”
She could see Uncle Argyros’s battle for their Wills in their movements. The men raised their axes, their arms moving slowly, as if pushing against a great force.
Knight leapt for the heart hunter nearest to her. He clamped his jaws on the man’s arm, and the axe dropped. The possessed hunter didn’t even scream as Knight wrestled him to the ground.
The other five heart hunters lifted their leaden feet and managed one stride nearer.
“Cassia,” Uncle Argyros shouted, “get behind the ward!”
She didn’t obey. She didn’t even think. In desperation, she tore her fangs across both her palms and held out her bleeding hands.
When her blood hit the stone at her feet, the power came roaring up to her. A shout of victory left her lips, and Lio echoed it in her mind.
She let the channeling overtake her. The Lustra tasted harsh here, frosty and sharp and determined to survive. She drew deeper. The power took on the metallic tang of blood.