The ruins of MederiVillage were not where Lio had expected Lyros’s aura to lead him. Lio stood still by the village gate, keeping himself and Dame shrouded in thelemantic veils. She gave herself a vigorous scratch, as if his blood magic itched.
Lyros was the only Hesperine he sensed. The war truly had left Patria behind. Lio might be able to reach him before he reached the Charge.
Lio bit his hand and pressed it to the pendant. The portal that had been their escape the night of the attack opened for him again. He levitated down, but Dame paused on the threshold.
He held out a hand to her. “Docck docck.It’s safe down here, I promise.”
She picked her way down the stairs and pressed close to him. As he hurried along the passageway, she had no trouble keeping pace.
He huffed a laugh. “A liegehound might be the only creature fast enough to join me on my nightly runs. I suppose it’s for the best that I didn’t end up with a feline familiar, after all.”
He caught the scent of blood, and his humor died. Lio tightened his veils and ran.
Around the next twist in the passage, Lyros sat against the wall, tightening a bandage around his thigh. The odor of burned flesh mingled with the blood.
Dame froze, sniffing in Lyros’s direction. Lio rested a hand on her and swallowed. “Now isn’t the time to have a relapse of anti-Hesperine sentiment. He’s my Trial brother. Our pack.”
She trotted a little closer to Lyros, then back to Lio, looking up at him. This must be so confusing to her.
He held out his blood-streaked hand to her and said firmly, “Barda acklii.”
There was still puzzlement in her aura, but she relaxed. Lio let out a breath. Lifting his hands, he approached Lyros and dropped his veils.
Lyros jumped, then grimaced. “Hypnos’s nails.”
“Don’t run, please. I’m not here to fight.”
“Do I look like I’m in any condition to outrun you?”
Dame peered around Lio, then prowled forward.
Lyros backed closer against the wall, averting his gaze. “She’s alive. That’s nice. But are you the only Hesperine she doesn’t see as food?”
“No.” Lio dropped down and put an arm around Dame. “It turns out she has a sweet temperament.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
Dame leaned forward, nearly nose to nose with Lyros. He sat very still. Then she began to lick his chin.
Lyros grimaced. “Aw, thorns. Her breath smells like dead rabbit.”
“Er, yes, that is what she had for breakfast. Sorry.”
“Where’s Cassia?”
“She left me to turn herself in. What happened to you?”
“A raiding party interrupted me on my way to find Rudhira.”
“You defeated an entire raiding party alone?” Lio didn’t want to think about what could have happened to Lyros tonight.
“More or less. Came down here to Slumber and heal. The deserted passages seemed my best bet.”
Lio examined his bandage. “This is magefire wound. How bad is it?”
“Not particularly good. It hit the deep vein in my thigh.”
“Hespera’s Mercy, you need healing. Now.”