Page 159 of Blood Feast

Lio’s gaze, sharp with magic, scanned the walls. “Perhaps they are here, but we haven’t detected each other yet.”

Knight made a quick patrol around the courtyard, but he sounded no alarms.

“They might be choosing a different battleground,” Cassia guessed.

“We can hope,” Lyros said. “Let’s step.”

She saw their destination in Lio’s mind, a remote area in the domain of Patria where they had searched for a letting site that summer. They stepped and left their errant Sanctuary behind.

Clouds obscured the stars, but Cassia’s eyes adjusted quickly. She saw no one and heard no heartbeats in the rolling fields. Lio’s magic swept the area, a veiled probe she could only sense in their Grace Union.

“There’s a patrol headed this way, about half an hour to the north,” Lio said. “No one else.”

“Whose patrol?” Lyros asked.

“Rudhira and Solia’s. One Hesperine and six mortals. We’re clear to ride south and search for the tunnel entrance where Kalos was shot.”

Lyros turned General southward, and they all set off with him. As they rode, Cassia opened her senses to the Lustra. She sucked in a breath.

“What is it?” Lio asked.

“Now I can feel how powerful the magic is here. The letting site feels like…a nearby storm. And its rain is running all through the ground.”

“The passages,” Lio said.

She nodded. “It won’t be difficult for me to sense the entrances, but you’ll have to open them with your medallion.”

He reached out and touched her hand. “I’m certain you could open them without your pendant. But you’re wise not to cast any spells this close to the Charge.”

She kept her magic in check and let the Lustra guide them. The Warmbloods, already familiar with this territory, required little direction. But Knight kept stopping, his nose to the wind. She could only imagine how confusing it was for him now that their allies were the threat they must avoid. She called for him to come, and he stayed by her side this time.

After half an hour, Cassia spotted Castra Patria in the distance. “With Rudhira and Solia’s patrols so near, that must mean they still hold the fortress.”

“No fire coming from the walls tonight,” Mak observed. “Hopefully that means a lull in the siege and a respite for your sister’s forces.”

Lyros said darkly, “That also means the Charge is not distracted by the enemy, so they’re more likely to detect us.”

It hurt to be this close to Solia with no hope of seeing her. They would be lucky if they managed to ride past without getting arrested. Trying to infiltrate the castle would be madness.

Lio sent her comfort through their bond. He had always been her greatest solace when missing her sister. She could bear anything as long as she was with her Grace.

Lyros cast another wary glance at the fortress. “How much farther?”

“I sense another portal up ahead. I think it’s the one we’re looking for.” She showed Lio the passage’s route in her mind’s eye.

He nodded. “That should be the one where I found Rudhira healing Kalos.”

Lyros looked from him to Cassia. “Can you tell if there’s anyone inside?”

They both shook their heads.

Lyros’s aura was grim. “We’ll have to keep our veils up and hope no surprises come out of the portal.”

The glowing symbol in the hillside came into view, and they guided their horses cautiously toward it.

Mak frowned. “I can’t sense whether there are auras inside either. The magic running through those passages confuses the senses.”

“How much time do we have before that patrol behind us catches up?” Lyros asked.