Cassia finally looked away from Lio, and her gaze went to Mak. “One of us got a heart wound from the Lustra instead. Does that mean my ancestors are trying to scare us, too?”
“I don’t pretend to understand the Lustra’s strategy,” said Lyros.
Mak raised a brow at Lio. “Maybe our philosopher has an opinion.”
Lio nodded. “I think the Lustra’s heart wound was a mark of honor.”
Mak thumped his chest. “I’ll take it.”
Lio pointed at Lyros’s forehead. “That’s a sign of respect, too. The Lustra acknowledged your insight. The rest of us should take a lesson from it.”
Lyros narrowed his eyes. “You’re trying to flatter your way back into my good graces, Glasstongue.”
“You know I mean it, too,” Lio replied.
Lyros sighed again. “So what’s your new plan?”
“We focus on our original goal,” Lio said. “Finding Miranda. Without the Collector’s favor, she’s vulnerable.”
Lyros opened his mouth, then threw up a hand. “There are so many ways this could go wrong, I don’t even know where to begin.”
“If you have a better plan, I will listen,” Lio promised.
Lyros had no reply.
“All right,” said Mak, “looks like we’re going after Miranda again. Any ideas on how to find out where she really is?”
“We have an ally who can help with that.” Lio pointed at Knight.
Cassia raised her brows. “Tracking her the old-fashioned way is simple, but brilliant. However…”
“Yes,” Lio said. “It will require starting somewhere we know Knight can pick up her trail.”
“Patria,” Cassia concluded.
“That’s madness,” Lyros protested. “We’ll have to dodge Rudhira, the king’s forces, and Gift Collectors. Not to mention the Lustra passages there are full of people who want to arrest us.”
Cassia’s chin was set. “It’s also the location of a rabid letting site. The Lustra will get us in. I will see to that.”
Lio should have been filled with triumph that she was finally ready to use her magic. But thinking of her words to Kallikrates, he could not deny he was afraid for her. If she took matters into her own hands again, what might she do next?
Nights After
As Cassia saddled herhorse, she felt like their history at the lighthouse was repeating itself. The Black Roses were once again about to leave a Lustra refuge and face a possible ambush.
She felt trapped in the moves playing out on the game board. Were they doomed to dance to the patterns Kallikrates dictated until the doors came crashing down?
“Here.” Mak handed her a morsel of dried apple. “You and Freckles both need to sweeten your moods.”
With a rueful smile, she gave the fruit to the mare. Freckles looked no less grumpy afterward, but Cassia found comfort in watching her horse enjoy the treat. “How is Bear after his fall at Roborra?”
Mak examined his horse’s leg. “The sprain has healed, but I’ll give him one more dose of my blood before we ride out, as a precaution.”