Page 97 of Blood Feast

“Good,” Lyros said. “We’ll try that tomorrow night after we’ve found another refuge.”

Lio wrapped a hand gently around Cassia’s where she still held Rosethorn. “Let’s think where a Lustra site might be in Segetia.”

Her grip on the dagger only tightened, and he knew he was in for another debate about the use of her magic.

He tried to keep his tone patient. “Do you know of any possibilities? This domain isn’t as old as Hadria, so it didn’t exist in its current form during the Mage King and Changing Queen’sreign. But there could still be fortresses built by the lords of that time.”

“Right.” Cassia’s voice was too calm. “It was settled very early because it’s the most fertile land in the kingdom. Many bitter feuds were fought over it until Flavian’s ancestors prevailed and consolidated power to rival Hadria’s.”

Mak waved at the surrounding fields. “If everything grows so well here, does that mean the Lustra is more powerful in this region?”

Lio shook his head. “I fear it may be the opposite. It’s one of the least wild places in all of Tenebra.”

“Men tamed it so long ago. The Lustra feels…” She seemed to search for words. “Diminished.”

“It can’t begone, though,” Mak reasoned. “The letting site under your mother’s temple is still there, even though Corona is one of the most populated cities.”

“True,” Lio said, “but it was tended by generations of Silvicultrixes disguised as mages of Kyria. The Lustri sorceresses were surely driven out of Segetia ages ago.”

“Yes.” Cassia paused.

Lio leaned closer to her. “You have a theory.”

She hesitated. Knight barked suddenly, then circled them. He pushed against Cassia’s leg.

“He wants us to leave,” she said. “It’s as if someone is still on our trail. How could they follow us when we stepped?”

“We need to find shelter,” Lyros said. “Quickly.”

Cassia finally replied, “Segetia is dotted with circles of standing stones so old no one remembers who built them. Could they have been ritual sites for the Silvicultrixes?”

“Stone circles!” Lio exclaimed. “Certainly. I wish we had access to a library right now so I could refresh my memory on Tenebran megaliths. They’re sure to date from the Hulaic Epochs, when the Silvicultrixes were at their most powerful.”

Cassia frowned. “I should have thought of this before, but I’ve never actually been to any of them. Genie mentioned them when she was telling me about places she wanted to show me in Segetia. That was before I knew anything about my magic.”

Lio could believe Lady Eugenia’s imagination would be captured by some ancient site with mysterious origins. Flavian’s younger sister was quite the romantic. Lio would never know what she saw in narrow-minded Sir Benedict.

Lyros levitated the map over to Cassia. “Do you know the locations?”

She furrowed her brow, studying the map. “Genie told me about a few near her family’s estates, but that’s too far to ride in one night and we can’t step there without a clear focus.”

“May I make a suggestion?” Lio asked.

She met his gaze, her chin set. It was clear she was already prepared to resist his advice.

Lio continued anyway. “If the stone circles are Lustra sites, your senses will draw you to them. You should try stretching your awareness and see if you can detect any within riding distance. This is also a good opportunity to test your range.”

She let the map roll shut with a snap. “We are not performing any magical tests after a narrow escape from Gift Collectors, with more of them possibly on our heels. Do you want me to bring the next Hesperine-baiting party down on our heads?”

“If you do, we’ll take care of them.”

“Fight when wemust, Lio. That’s what Uncle Argyros said to us. I won’t incite any more violence if I can avoid it.”

Lio wanted to peel away the layers of guilt in her aura one by one until she realized just how wrong her words were. But that would take time. Right now, he had to make the argument that would change her mind. Her mind, which he knew so well.

He made a point that he knew she would not be able to refute. One that was close to her heart. “The villagers are headed herefor safety. Better to draw any of Kallikrates’s hunting parties to us before they have a chance to hurt the mortals.”

Anger flashed in her hazel eyes, glinting half gold in the moonlight.Sunbind you, Glasstongue,she told him privately before saying aloud,“Very well. I will ask the Lustra to show us the way. That is all. No channeling.”