“She needs you,” Cassia said, her throat tight. Solia was the only person who could fill the hole they were about to leave in Zoe’s life.
“I haven’t lost my touch at being an elder sister to a little girl. I couldn’t be there for you when I was a fugitive. But I can be here for Zoe while you are on the run.”
Cassia rested her face on her sister’s shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re in our lives now.”
“Took me long enough, but I’m here to stay.”
“And you, Tendo?” Lio asked, clasping his arm. “Will you go back to the Imperial court to make sure none of this affects the Empire’s alliance with Orthros?”
“Eventually,” he said, “but for now, I think I’ll find out if Zoe likes flying with me as much as Chuma does.”
Solia lifted her gaze to his. “So…you’re staying in Orthros for the time being?”
“Someone has to clean up the damage these four left in their wake.”
“If you grow tired of peaceful silkfoots,” Solia said lightly, “there is a battle going on next door, you know. Helping me throw fireballs might be more entertaining, at least.”
Tendo put his hand to his ear. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard you. Did the Queen of Tenebra, who insists she can win this war without any more Imperial warriors, just ask for my help?”
“I’m giving you an opportunity to escape that uncomfortable chair a certain Imperial princess has in mind for you. You should be thanking me.”
“And how does a certain Hesperine prince feel about me flying into his territory?”
Solia frowned. “He is unlikely to object to more Imperial support. And if he did, I would remind him my kingdom is not his territory.”
There was an edge to Tendo’s laugh. “Oh, I’m sure he’d object to the kind of support I gave you when you and I fought together. I don’t get the impression he likes to share your sparring sessions, and neither do I.”
Solia surged to her feet. “Isthatwhat you think?”
Lio’s eyes widened at the two of them, and Cassia couldn’t help meeting his gaze.
Oh my Goddess,he said,Tendo is jealous of Rudhira.
Does he have a reason to be?Cassia asked in astonishment.
I have no idea. It never occurred to me. Our Ritual father and your sister? Did Solia say anything to you about it?
Not a word.
“I will not dignify your assumptions with an explanation,” Solia said. “I am no one’s ‘territory,’ and the only person entitled to an opinion on who I ‘spar’ with is me.”
Tendo gave Solia a sardonic look. “There isn’t room in your kingdom for two princes, Your Majesty. I’ll be tending to Hesperine-Imperial relations on this side of the border, regardless of what sort of negotiations are going on between you and the First Prince.”
He turned his back on a fuming Solia, flaring his wings. He paused only to look back at Lio and Cassia.
“Take care of yourselves,” he said. “Don’t make me come rescue you.”
He vaulted off the railing and flew back toward Selas.
No one spoke for a long moment. Cassia’s mind reeled with the implications, but she didn’t dare ask her sister about it right now.
“I apologize for that display,” Solia said at last.
Cassia stood and put an arm around her. “You have nothing to apologize for. You know you can talk to me about it when you’re ready.”
Solia’s warrior face slid back into place. “Kella and Karege will meet us in Tenebra with your horses. You can use his aura as a stepping focus.”
Tuura patted one of the packs she had brought. “We retrieved everything we thought you’d need from your residences. Quite easy, when your provisions are traveling with you. I packed food for Knight and plenty of poultices, though.”