Page 72 of Blood Feast

This is nonnegotiable,he informed her.We’re coming to rescue you.



5 Nights Until Winter Solstice


The low, gray buildingcast a long shadow in the fresh snow, a shadow Lio deepened to conceal their rescue party. They slipped under the simple portico that sheltered the entrance to the disenchantment chambers.

The place was too covered in spells for Lio to sense who might be inside. They could only pray Xandra was right, and Lyta would be in council with the Queens for a long while.

Lyros paused at the door and looked at Lio in question. Lio nodded. His veils were ready.

Lyros eased the door open.

The central room was empty. The only guard was a battered practice dummy in the corner, with which a Steward usually whiled away the time while looking after initiates and their misbehaving magic.

The wards that steeped the walls did not feel so protective now. They stood between Lio and his Grace. Doors lined the walls, two of them shut tight and fortified with magic.

Cassia’s presence stirred behind one of the closed doors.Sunbind it, Lio, tell me you’re here for an approved visit.

I’m here to break things until you’re safe.

Tendo peered through one of the open doorways. “Really?Thisis the only prison in Selas, and we can walk right in?”

“It’s not a prison,” said Lyros, “and the front door isn’t the problem.”

“I expected Hesperines to hold their captives in better comfort,” Solia seethed.

“We don’t hold captives,” Lyros protested. “Any cushions we put in here would get destroyed the next time some youngblood’s spell runs riot.”

Solia stalked forward. “Let’s see how this place holds up whenmyspells run riot. Which door shall I burn down first?”

Lio pointed to the one across from the entrance.Stand back. Your sister is about to try magefire on the wards.

Cassia’s fury burned through their bond.This isnotthe plan! We cannot risk Solia’s alliance with Orthros! Mak and I have made up our minds, and we are not letting anyone else take the fall with us!

Lio cast Lyros an amused glance. “If Mak is protesting this endeavor half as vocally as Cassia, your head must be a busy place at the moment.”

Lyros half grinned, rubbing his temples. “Our Graces have tempers.”

Unfortunately for Cassia, her ire seldom had the effect on Lio that she desired. He had too much of a taste for her anger to regret his actions. “She insists she won’t set foot outside this cell, and if I try to carry her, she will tie me to the ground with rose vines before she lets me get myself arrested.”

Tendo snickered. “Tell her I’ll carry her off for you, then. But ask her not to step on my foot again.”

Tell Tendo I’ll aim for his wings this time!

Lio repeated this, and Tendo laughed harder.

Solia settled into a battle stance in front of the door and cupped her hands. “Ready?”

“Yes,” Lio answered. “I’ve covered you in the best thelemantic veils I learned from Nike. Let us hope her experimental spells conceal fire magic.”

Solia’s aura crackled. In a flare of golden light, a ball of fire shot from her palms. It struck the warded door with an impact that reverberated through the stone.

The fireball rebounded back at Solia. She let out a filthy Imperial curse and held out her hands. Her flame returned to her, flitting up her arms. “I see why Aithouros had such a bad night when he tried to chase Lyta through Martyr’s Pass. How much time do we have?”