And so did his uncle. He had never thought of Uncle Argyros as a vulnerable person. And yet, in this moment, he was. They held his heart in their hands.
“Neither Nike nor Cassia ever found adamas weapons in an ancient ruin,” Lio revealed. “Nike forged the Blood Errant’s weapons and taught Mak how to make ours.”
As soon as he and Lyros explained the true version of events, a flame sprang to life at Solia’s temple. “Your elders welcomed Cassia with open arms, only to arrest her for something as natural as picking up a dagger!”
“I’m sorry, Solia,” Lio replied. “You know I never meant for this to happen.”
“I don’t blame you.” There was approval in her voice. “I’d be angrier if you tried to come between her and her blade.”
Lio smiled. “I know better than that.”
Xandra’s aura flashed hotter. “It’s not fair. The Blood Errant have never been punished like this. They’ll be furious about Mak and Cassia’s arrest. We should send word to Rudhira right away. He can advocate for them and talk Nike out of doing anything rash.”
“No, Xandra,” Lio said. “We can’t do that to your family. Imagine what it would mean for the Queens—for all of Orthros—to know Rudhira has been disobeying their commands.”
“At least stop hiding from your father, then!”
“I don’t want him implicated, either. This will be hard enough for Zoe without our parents getting dragged into it.”
“How about Alkaios and Nephalea?” Nodora suggested. “They’re among the few Nike would listen to, and they know all her secrets.”
Lyros shook his head. “Not them, either. They’ve just established their new lives here in Orthros. Mak would never want to ruin that.”
“Neither would Cassia,” Lio agreed, “not after everything they’ve done for her.”
Lyros’s expression grew bleak. “They’ll be a comfort to Mak’s parents now.”
A look of determination came to Xandra’s face. “Then I will protect Nike.”
Kia opened her mouth to protest.
Xandra held up a hand. “Now isn’t the time to shelter me like when we were children. I am a royal Hesperine, and I will see to this myself.”
“What are you going to do?” Nodora asked her with concern.
Xandra’s eyes narrowed. “Only one thing could possibly keep Nike from coming to rescue Mak and Cassia. An imminent threat to Orthros.”
“Goddess,” Lyros said, “we must pray there’s no attack on the border while the Stand is falling apart like this.”
“There won’t be,” Xandra said. “Just the appearance of one. I’ll cast a few perfectly safe fire spells near the ward to make Nike think there’s a rogue war mage in the mountains. And if an actual attack happens while I’m distracting her, I can turn around and fling real fireballs at the enemy. Orthros has never been safer.”
“Xandra…” Lio shook his head. She didn’t need him to tell her how many ways this could go horribly wrong. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. My Trial circle and my family are at stake. It’s my turn to protect all of you. And if a Hesperine royal must be implicated, Orthros can bear it much easier if it’s the wayward Eighth Princess rather than our beloved First Prince.”
“May the Goddess’s Eyes light your path,” they all bade her.
“Her fire is about to light up the mountains.” Xandra waved at them with flames dancing at her fingertips, then disappeared.
What’s happening?Cassia’s aura throbbed with worry.
Lio tamped down on his own worries and sent reassurance to her.
I see right through your sweetness and light,she replied.I know you’re on the warpath. Don’t do anything that will land you and Lyros in Blood Shackles.
We have no intention of getting arrested,Lio replied truthfully.
Give Mak and me more time to decide what to do before you and Lyros try anything rash.